Chapter 2

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I peeked out of my window and saw the Brady Bunch leaving, I felt they knew that I was watching them, observing and wondering. I would've liked them if they weren't a bunch of stoic and creepy people. My eyes caught a strange necklace that Theo was wearing, his glassy blue eyes caught my eye I blinked twice and there, he looked away. I felt a cold chill down my spine. Suddenly my phone rang, I answered it and heard Gemma's voice " Hey har"

"Gemma thank God" I muttered

"Uh for what?" she replied

" Nothing, I just... I don't know Gemma. I feel different"

"You're pregnant"

"Darn you Gemma, I'm serious. I talked to Sarah"

"So does our teacher and classmates my love"

"I'm usually not sociable and plus I called her Cunnings and I felt that she was a different person and that I know her from a different life and--"

"---Whoa hold up, different life?" Gemma says hoarsely " What are you saying? Are you tired? Pressured maybe because you just turned a year older?"

for once, I couldn't believe Gemma, I felt empowered, and deadly. I dropped the phone and felt my body lifted into another dimension I felt like I was tossed into another realm, another time. I stood there my eyes opened, breathless, I was looking at a girl with long black luxurious hair; her eyes were violet, a fury violet she was running fast away from something, away from someone. Her long white gown was stained in blood and I realized her mouth was also stained with dark red blood " We can't sleep forever" she says. I felt hands run through my spine and I screamed then everything went dark.

"May?" I heard Gemma's voice raise in panic " Woman if your fooling me I'm gonna kick your sorry--"

"---I-m here I'm good" I stuttered " I just...I'll talk to you tomorrow"

"You know I'm here for you right?"

"Yes I know"

I was contemplating whether I should tell Gemma or see a psychologist. I'm sure it was an effort to be normal the next day, I looked at my watch, it was already past midnight. I sighed and closed my eyes yet whenever I'd drift into sleep I'd always have would contain bloodcurdling screams of a woman and me drowning trying to fight whatever's holding me down. I felt it, the hand that refused to let me go while I was sinking...I heard my mother call out my name and my eyes opened and my mouth would spurt out water

"Honey, oh honey!" She cried as she hugged me, I could feel my her heartbeat "It's just a bad dream don't worry I'm here". My eyes focused on my father standing, frozen in time, his eyes are just on me. He never hugged me or even said I'd be okay.

The next day I decided I would forget the whole scenario, everything was normal and usual around the house. My mother engrossed with Vogue magazines, before I can dash my way out the door she called me " May" she says sternly "Your staying home"

"Why?" I exclaimed

" I'm on my way to London tonight, I want you be safe"

" Mother, you always go to other countries, why on earth would it be different now?"

Before she could reply my father butts in with a grin "Let her go, she'll be fine"

My face lit up with satisfaction, my mother just looks away and was mumbling about something I can't decipher with my ears. I took my tote bag and hurried off before both of them agrees to let me stay home.

"I was so worried last night. Don't go joking around like that okay?" Gemma says while eating her scrumptious pie. I watched her slowly, every movement she does, I can hear, even the faintest farts

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