Chapter 5

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I sighed, 4:45 am still darn awake. I had to know if I really could talk to myself or I was just delusional.

hi I answer

I rolled my eyes I'm crazy

...I agree

I gasped

...who are you? This isn't a Facade thing for me to have conversations inside my head with a different person

...Your parents are holding back on you, half truths are still lies.

....half truths

...your parents are ancient, a time of old. So how old do you think you are?

I was silent

...exactly. you have answers then?, I haven't the faintest

...then why do you imply on these things?

...I am inside your head, a portion of your memory has been sealed and I can't get through it. I don't even know my name.

I laughed name is not May nor Antoinette. I am a different person, an ancient.

I woke up with a terrible headache. I walked across the living room, it was empty. Even the maids were gone , I looked for Manang but she was gone. I stepped outside the room and realized that it was different, next thing I knew I was in a forest. A girl ran past me, she was wearing such a long beautiful white dress but I noticed there was blood on her hands. I was floating now, I can't see her face, but she had porcelain skin

"Don't let her get away!" a shout was heard, I can hear barking and footsteps. I ran to her but she was quick. I looked back and saw a man, he had the bright yellow eyes, he was beautiful muscular and tall. He saw her, but he didn't do anything. She stops as if she sensed his presence

"You need to go back Elianna" he says

She was laughing "And what for?"

"You need help!"

"This is something that can't be helped..." her voice sounds so sad "Just believe in yourself you can fight that hunger and power raging inside you"

"Power..." I can feel my heart breaking, she turn towards us, I was too shocked to speak as saw her. I felt her eyes stab mine "It's a curse" . I saw her jump off the cliff, I hugged myself

"Noooo!!" The man next me cried hysterically. Then I flew and fell into the water.

I screamed as I opened my eyes, Manang came rushing in and tried to comfort me.

"It's just a bad's not real"

She says

I cried and I didn't know why. Was this a mistake? Why did that dream feel so real? I shuddered.

"What was the dream about?" She asks as I calmed down.

"It was about this girl, a girl who jumped off the cliff and... She looked liked was me."

I was in my room for a whole, I kept lingering on my fingers it felt that it was missing something. Something unexplainable. There was a sound outside my window, I heard rocks thrown outside. I peeked outside and saw Lukas. He was wearing jeans and plaid shirt that looked so...good.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"You haven't gone to class for a week"

"I'm excused by Principal Evrèl"

I can hear him moan "He's your dad's servant too?"

I bit my lip and nodded


"Who do you serve?"

"I'm Abert's of Czar from the North"

I secretly went down from my window and I jumped then landed safely. I was expecting a jolt of pain but I felt nothing.

"You're getting good at this" he smirked "You passed the initiation?"

"I guess so, they didn't even warn me"

"It's normal, everything is a surprise"

"So tell me how old are you?" He looked pretty surprised "Why?"

"I'm curious"

" 19..." He answered and grinned "plus 100"

"Whoa there grandpa"

We both laughed but he didn't ask my age. We walked around the quiet neighborhood, I glanced at him and realized how gentle he looked when his guard is down


" I don't think I'm eighteen"

He looked away. My hunches were correct, he knew something.

"I know you know about something!"

"May, there was a reason-"

"-I'm having nightmares about this girl and everything is jumbled up in my brain and I don't have anything..."

Lukas sighs, sometimes our memories deteriorate when we age, we sometimes go off to another start. It might be like that."

I sighed relief "Makes sense, sorry I panicked"

"It's okay May" he smiled " Debra and Gemma have been a bit worried too"

I gasped I forgot about them. I haven't been looking at my cellular phone lately due to stress and a lot of distractions. Luke and I parted ways and I ran back to house of course through the window. Jumping so high felt incredibly wonderful, my stuff was untouched meaning mom and dad weren't home. I turned my phone on and there it was...20 messages and 30 missed calls

"You!" Debra and Gemma chorused

"Sorry I was sick" I tried to cough

"Debra, this chit is lying to us"Gemma says coldly

"You're a bad liar May, spill it"

"Guys it's been a rough week" like killing a man, turning into a superhuman who likes vampire blood and has been recruited as a vampire assassin "There's tension"

"Oh family matters" Gemma says. I was glad two of my best friends understood. Gemma was the bright and smart one and Debra was  the school bully. Odd friends.

I heard my mother's footsteps coming towards the door, she came in wearing a blue dress that complimented her beautiful structure. She was perfection in every corner. Yet her eyes looked tired, she cried on her sleep, I thought but she forced a smile

" Hi mom" I said " Am I gonna start training now?"

"Yes, your instructor is here"

I nodded and followed her downstairs.

I went outside and saw him, the man in my dream who tried to stop her falling off the cliff...the man who tried to stop me. But his eyes were grey similar as mine and he looked exactly the same. He didn't say a word too, he was so silent until mom interrupted

"May meet your trainer Nuriel" she says softly and gently

he extends his hand politely

"Pleasure" his voice was so deep it melted me

"Likewise" I croaked.Great.

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