Chapter 8

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I felt my face heat up as I grabbed my jacket and put on my leggings. I opened my window and jumped

I need your help...

You want to kick vampire butt...


You don't need my help, you're in combat mode. You are a Levute now.

I felt my heart racing as I ran. I saw lights, maybe because I was too fast. I jumped at the browning building, I can smell Debra. She was hiding because it was faint, good. Then I smelled vampire, three of them, why the heck was I mad? They were coming towards her, and they were hungry. I stood upside down and and peered at the window, they are so dead.

One guy was alone, yum. I swiftly grabbed him by his coat and broke his neck, he died instantly. I tried not to bite him, oh God no. One girl spots me and suddenly saw her teeth, she was scaring me. I slowly walked towards her, and smiled then opened my mouth revealing my fangs

"I have one too" I said

"Facade.." she hissed

she moved with speed, and I followed, I grabbed her wavy blond hair and grabbed her neck then bit. Oh gosh why? I broke my rule, my principle today I was a Levute, the cruelest facade. I dropped her lifeless body and wiped the blood off my face. Two down one more. I heard Debra's screams across the warehouse, I ran and saw the guy with a mean scar trying to overpower Debra, but he doesn't know Debra's a puncher too. I watched as she threw hard punches to his skull he hesitates then his blood red eyes were on me. I stared at him trying to do the intimidation look, he was startled and ran off. He knew. I ran to Debra who whose fists were bloody, good thing I fed.

"You okay?" I asked, human mode on

"Yeah but my fists are busted" she whines " Stupid guy trying to rape me"


"Is that blood on your mouth?"

"Ah no, it's not. It's ketchup, I ate a mean Burger on my way here"

"How exciting" she rolled her eyes.

I made a mental note to dispose of the bodies I left behind.

Me and Debs walked together, I lent her my handkerchief for her wounded knuckles

"There are a lot of insane people nowadays" she smirked

"I you hate insane people?"

"Depends" she looks at me "You ok?

"Yes, why?"

"We'll you've been acting strange lately"

I shrugged "Still me"

There was silence

"Hey Debs" I said


"No matter what happens, we'll be best friends forever"

Debra sighed " Forever seems like a long time doesn't it."

I looked at my watch, 6 am. Screw it I'm not sleeping. My jaw tightens when I see Nuriel waiting. I am going to class, no training

"Where do you think your going?" He asked, his eyebrows lifted

"Class, I have a history project to finish" I replied softly.

"I'll drop you"

"No thank you" I snapped

Obviously you have no idea you are ridiculously handsome, I will be bombarded by questions that will forever haunt me. 

Eyes were all on us, I grimly walked inside I didn't even want to look at Nuriel. This majestically good looking man was near me, all girls were dropping their mouth as he passed by

"Okay you can go now" I muttered before you get girls pregnant by just looking at you I added in my thought

His face tightened, I cupped my mouth

"You can hear my thoughts too?" I asked in bewilderment 

"I perceive your thoughts" he sighed

"You know that's almost the same thing."

I walked up to Debra and Gemma who were sitting on the swing. They saw me and grinned

"Hey hotshot" Gemma teased "I saw"

"He's my dad's friend" I muttered

"So you guys aren't friends but lovers?" Debra added

"Shut up smartbutt" I laughed 

I watched them, they were still the same girls I knew. It's me that actually changed...

"I heard Debs was attacked by a bunch of sexual predators" Gemma starts unhappily "I wish I was there"

"Don't wish such thing"I snapped 

"I could've accompanied her, I'm just glad you came. I wonder where they are"

Dead. I thought.

Nuriel's invisible punches struck me hard. I bruised a lot but it eventually disappeared, I had a cut on my shoulder and watched it healed by itself. It was fascinating.

"Focus you idiot" he says 

I avoided his punches by ducking, I speedily ran towards the tree and climbed up, he didn't see me. I grinned and attacked him from above but I guess he miscalculated his move that instead of me kicking his right should be avoided it but slipped taking me in with him. I froze as I was on top of him face to face. He smells Minty fresh Oh my gosh oh my gosh.

"You're heavy" he grinned

I gasped and tried to get up, I was beet red he looked a little flushed too.

"Smooth move bunny" he snickered

"I didn't mean it, I was shocked myself ..and...and it's your fault for"

"-Bunny take a breather. I meant the idea of hiding at the tree and attacking me from the top. You were too noisy though"

I muttered thanks and went back inside.

I was still red when I got home, he was smiling me like an idiot. Was he mocking me?

"May your heating up, you might be catching a fever" my mom said

"I'm okay mom"

I heard him laugh. I wanna kick him really right now and I don't care if it's in front of my mom. I bet she'll be proud.

I was really bummed that I had to stay and clean our classroom, I totally forgot that I was scheduled for the day. I went to the basement and heard a strange growling sound. It was dark, so I couldn't see where the sound was coming from. Was there a dog inside school? I ignored the thought and set the broom and bucket aside, but the growl got nearer, I had goosebumps all over my back. Something sinister was lurking beyond those shadows and I sensed that it was after me, with only a broomstick available I waited for it to show itself.

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