Chapter 6

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My phone rang, I didn't expect it to be our head Sir Hayworth. For a thousand years I've avoided the clan but it seems they were desperate enough to call me

"Nuriel, it's been a while"

"Your grace, I haven't expected your call" he tried to sound casual

"Same...but things happen that are rather overwhelming for me to handle" his voice was cold "I need your assistance, I cannot do it on my own"

"I'm a bit...surprised. What in the world would you rather want from me?" I was a bit excited in a way

"It's my daughter, she's become a facade."


"She has the Levute mark so I'm unable to train her"

I smiled to myself, his own daughter has now been his own weakness. I felt everything happened for a reason, it must be fate for him to encounters such a trial .

"Okay then"

"Oh one thing, my daughter has similar features...of someone you know. Do not misunderstand the situation".

Someone I know? I haven't known anyone in a thousand years. What could he possibly be talking about? I took my bags and headed off, I want to see what I'm up against. I was now in the Hayworth's residence, as expected it was huge. I oddly remember how Elianna hated it when she visited the Hayworth's. She was with her father Delion of Fret, the second-in-command. I sighed, she used to call me whenever I'm away making sure of my safety. Her presence was strong even now but I only carry the remnants. I am here, the very reason why I despise these family was because I lost the one who was important to me. I will take my revenge when I have the opportunity. I have not forgotten.

"I apologize Sir Nuriel, she's not present at the moment" the butler says. He is lying.

"I see, when should I come back?"

"Maybe when...she is initiated"

"She hasn't awakened yet?"

"No but his grace has already sensed it, we aren't sure if she will awaken"

"I hope she will"

His eyes glared at me, poor guy he truly cares about this girl

"Then I shall be back when she has awakened"

I felt a tingling sensation at my back, I turned my head but didn't see anyone.

I was wondering what the commotion was about as I went back to the mansion. Mrs. Hayworth looked pretty tense when she saw me but she was good at hiding it.

"I don't want you to mention anything that doesn't relate to your job as her trainer. She likes to ask questions."

I nodded

I watched her going up the stairs, for a few minutes she brought down her daughter. One look at her I thought I was seeing a ghost. Those soft blue hazy eyes and dark long hair and white pale skin. Elianna. I am seeing Elianna'a ghost, she's not here no she can't. Her mother introduced us, her name is May Hayworth. This is what Sir Hayworth said, she looked like my ally, she looked exactly like Elianna Delion of Fret.

"Why do you stare so much?" she asks, she was putting her hair up, it was wavy. Elianna had long straight hair and she was different for her

"Get ready mentally, you have to make sure that you attack me without hesitating. You're a cold killer, ruthless and full of hate."

her eyes wandered...

"Are you listening to me?"

"Why should I hate you? You've done nothing wrong"

My jaw tightened "Just do it "

She moves like a snail who just had an asthma attack. Her movement was something to be ashamed of as a Facade. Her punches were so soft it's unbearable. She's not Elianna; Elianna was warrior who killed without even breathing. She had speed and grace at the same time. Her face was intimidating amongst her enemies and it was not a surprise that they would just give up with one look. She was powerful. In front of me was a different woman, weak and too kind, too merciful and definitely not a killing machine. This is a tough challenge especially when she was a Levute who were meant to be the most ruthless and merciless just like her father.

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