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Hi guy’s miss me? No…? Okay. Well let’s get on with the cracktastic story, TO NARNIA LET’S GOOO~!!!!!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                               One morning in the America and Canada household…

 [Me and Anna’s point of view]

                “I CAME IN LIKE A WREAKING BALL~!” we both yelled as we stepped inside the kitchen only to have everyone stare at us then laugh. We started to laugh as well and after calming ourselves down a bit we sat down and talked to everyone and asked how they slept. Of course after the whole youtuber’s twerking we couldn’t help but bring it up and laugh a little louder. It was around 10:00 am when we finished eating and we decided to go to the mall and a couple of stores here and there.

                [Anna’s point of view]

                 Trishka and I decided to ditch the guys and trick them just for the heck of it and well it worked because they all looked like idiot’s that are walking around in a circle. But Altair and harry somehow found us I guess their instincts kicked in, and well Altair is an assassin so…yeah that made definite sense. After a while of shopping around some more we decide to go home and relax a bit and since we were in California winter felt windy and hot as in 70 to 80 degrees kind of hot. We decided to go in America’s pool to cool down everyone was swimming except for Altair that was kind just sitting in the water were there was like an underwater chair, I really don’t know how to explain it. Trishka (without me knowing) snuck up behind me covered my mouth and dragged me to her room. She explained to me that the window in her room was right above the pool and that it would be a bit fun to make an entrance.

                [My point of view]

                I had explained to Anna that we would change and then I would open my window and jump out and sing. Which not even two minutes later we were done and were about to jump out the window to a very unsuspecting crowd below us. “I CAME IN LIKE A WREAKING BALL~!” we both yelled as we jumped out the window. I did a perfect swan dive while Anna did a cannon ball LOL! As we rised back everyone glared at us and we quickly decided that we should swim away and very fast.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sorry guy’s that all the time that I have to write ant the moment but I’ll try to write a bit more in the next one so yea baii~!

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