the comeback

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Hi guys how are you doing? Tell me in all details…no okay well let’s get going shall we for our adventure awaits us!!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                      [my point of view]

                It was raining not too much but slightly when I woke up in Altair’s room I got up quickly waking up Altair in the process. I look out the window then rushed to my room and put on day clothes. I put on shoes and ran out the door and closed it and walked in to the rain and enjoyed the feeling the wet droplets on my face. I heard the door close and I saw Altair, America, and Canada were sweaters and shivering slightly while I was enjoying the cold weather for a change. “Trishka get over here you’re going to catch a cold in this weather” said Altair in a stern voice A.K.A his normal voice to everyone else but me. “You guys are going to have to catch me first!” and with that I ran off in any random way my legs decided to take me while it continued to rain. I looked behind me to see only America and Canada and Altair was nowhere to be seen, once I turned around that was another story, there he was right infront of me arms prepared to catch me I quickly, somehow, did a frontflip over him and managed to land perfectly then I continued to run. It took about five more minutes before they finally caught up to me and tackling me to the ground. We all laughed and after our little chase we decided to go inside and just warm up by the fire. By 12 in the afternoon everyone was awake and Anna suggested that we go buy hot chocolate and everyone agreed but the only thing I didn’t agree to, was actually GOING to go get it. Soon after Altair said that he would stay with me and watch over, swearing as if I was a child.

                [Altair’s point of view]

                I told everyone I was going to stay with Trishka to watch over her, harry decided to make a certain face that gave of a certain aura that made me felt a bit angry and uneasy. “Altair you do realize that we are only going to be gone for a few minutes right?” “Yeah what about it?” and I knew at this moment I was going to regret what I said. “Well you’re not going to have a long time to shag you girlfriend…that is if you can last that long” I felt rage overcome me but I knew it was better if a spoke my mind instead of murdering him where he stands, “your four nipples would say otherwise, and I’ll have you now us Turkish people are known for lasting longer in bed” I turn to Trishka and winked causing her to blush. I looked at harry and he had a poker face. “DAAAAAAAYYYYYYYUUUUUUUMMMMM!!!!!!!!” was what I heard behind me from Trishka and Anna. I smirked and went up to harry and whispered in his ear, “four nipples” then walked away. They soon left so that meant I could spend time with Trishka.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BAM new chappie sorry for the delay it took me awhile due to the comeback part thanks to liddolove for the help and yea, and a little side note it will be taking me longer to updated either because writes block or another reason so, for example, I have already written another chapter for forever together and we never saw it coming but those will be put up soon be patient. So to sum it up I'm writing chapter early so if I don’t have any ideas those will be put up to give me time to think, thanks guy baii~!

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