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A few months, they are fine and they are in their dorm. "Unnie.. Can we do a concert?" Junghye asked and Seorim nodded. "I'll go talk to Geunyeon vice-president." Seorim said and they nodded. *Seems like all of us have the same idea.* Seorim thought as she walked to TS. All of them are using their laptop while Junghye and Jungah are using their phones as well. As Junghye is searching for their cover song, she found the perfect song. "Unnie, can we do this? Even though it's in Japan." Junghye asked as she showed them the video and they agreed. "We'll give out roses that are in a container to the guy fans but we'll put in letter to those 'fans'." Youngsoo suggested and they nodded, agreeing and high-fived each other while laughing.

Once Seorim arrived at TS, she walked straight to Geunyeon's office. After knocking, she went in. "Glad to see that you are alright." He said and she nodded while smiling. "Vice-president, can we have a concert? At the same place where he had before?" She asked and he looked at her. "Well.. I wouldn't disagree, i was about to ask you girls to have a concert to anyway. Same rule as last time?" Geunyeon asked and she nodded. "But.. I don't really know how many people will turn up so.." She said and he nodded. "We'll buy everything else on our own. Just.. Help us prepare alot of microphones and two boxes of balloons and beach balls. Kamsahamnida." She thanked and left. *I think they have an idea already.* She thought while smiling and went back to the dorm hurriedly.

When she reached, she saw Junghye and Eunhee dancing. "What song?" Seorim asked, curious. "Cover song. Although it's in Japanese." Mina replied and she nodded. "Let me see." Seorim said and she watched it. "Yah, how many dancers are we going to need?" Eunhee asked, curious. "Umm.. Around eleven." Jungah said and she nodded. "Do we have enough?" Junghye asked, worried. "I think so." Seorim replied aftre watching and continued, "This song is just nice." "I know right." Junghye said while smiling and they smiled. "We need six blue uniforms and eleven red uniforms." Youngsoo said and they nodded. "Haeseop oppa?" Seorim said once she heard Haeseop answered. "Seorimmie, glad to hear that you are back to normal." Haeseop said and she smiled while responding. "Why are you calling?" Haeseop asked, curious. "Oppa.. Can you help us get eleven blue uniforms? I'll kakao you the picture." Seorim asked. "Sure. When do you need it?" Haeseop asked, curious. "Umm.. How about as soon as possible? Ah! Oppa! Call Block B oppas to go to our concert too." Seorim asked and he hung up after responding. "Yah, give me the uniform picture." Seorim said and Jungah linked her the picture through direct message on twitter. "Gomawo." She said as she downloaded it and sent it to Haeseop.

The next day, once their school is over and both Mina and Junghye finished their club activity, they ran to the practice room. "What did we miss?" They asked while running in. "Yah, calm down, We are just teaching them the moves but.. We don't really look at the dance so.." Eunhee said and they nodded while falling to the floor. "Here." Jungah and Youngsoo said while passing them bottle of water. "Unnie.. Since SECRET sunbae can't promote their song, let's sing 'Talk That'." Jungah said and they nodded while smiling. "We'll perform six to seven of our songs for the first part, talking, our cover songs, then interaction with fans and lastly.. That song." Seorim said and they nodded. "For Japan songs, why don't we put lyrics on the screen? We put three languages. Japanese, Korean and English." Junghye suggested and they nodded. "Why not for Korean songs too?" Mina suggested and they nodded.

After practicing for days, they are resting when they saw manager Kang walking past. "Seokgu-ssi." Youngsoo said and manager Kang looked at her. "Seokgu-ssi, make sure all B.A.P sunbaenims go to our concert. I don't care who all of you bring but.. We need them there." Yougnsoo said and manager Kang nodded. "Araseoyo." He said and she smiled. "Kamsahamnida." She thanked and went back into the practice room. "Yah." He said and B.A.P looked at him. "Hyung, what is it?" Youngjae asked and he looked at them. "D.Stylez said to ask all of you to go their concert." Manager Kang said and they nodded. "Araseoyo, we'll go." Himchan said and manager Kang said. "By the way, they said you can bring anyone you like though." Manager Kang added and they nodded.

After practicing, they went to the venie with the production crew. "Instead of sprinklers this time, why don't we have a big balloon or something that will be easily opened when being poked and filled it with water and another big balloon filled with balloons and it will come down when we give the signal and the fans will try breaking it." Eunhee explained and they nodded. "This time.. We are not going to have all the places filled with cameras, that will be next time. This time.. I want you to put the lyrics on the screen. Here are the lyrics, just follow it. And another screen is linked to twitter while the last screen showed the orginal performance or MV but when we perform SECRET sunbae's 'Talk That', please use the live. By the way, during our last song, i want the camera to focus on the stage even if we are not on stage." Jungah instructed and they nodded while looking at the lyrics. "That's all?" They asked and they nodded. They rehearsed whiel they are fixing the things and after a few hours, they finally finished. "What time is it?" Seorim asked, curious. "It's going to be morning soon." Jungah replied and they groaned. "Can't wait to sing the song." Junghye said and they nodded while smiling.

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