Chapter Twenty Nine

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Harry's POV - Melie and Sez's Home Coming Day - 8th April 2018

My girls were coming home today and I couldn't bloody wait.  I'd put the car seat in the back of the Range Rover so Sez was able to sit with Melie.  I made sure that she had everything she needed for our journey home.  I arrived at the hospital with my girls all packed and ready to go. I had Sez's bag, Melies bag, Melies, moses basket, god how was I going to carry all this. "Baby, let me help", my girl was wanting to carry stuff but I was buggered if I was going to let her.  "Wait a moment sweetheart, I'll bring the car up and we'll load everything in yeah"?  "Great idea honey, Melie and I will just wait here".  I ran over to the car not wanting to leave my girls for two long in the cold, although Melie was wrapped up toasty warm I still didn't want them in the cold.  I drove up to the entrance with the car running and popped the bags in the boot, Sez took Melie out of her basket and passed her to me whilst I put her snuggly in her carseat.  Her cute little button nose peaking out of her little beanie, I kissed my precious girl on the head and helped Sez get in.  I raced round, shut the boot and made sure my girls were buckled in safely, jumped in the drivers seat.  I took a quick pic and saved it to my phone.

  I took a quick pic and saved it to my phone

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She was just so bloody beautiful.  I sent it to Mum and Sal with the caption "My first ride in Daddy's Car see you soon Nanny Anne and Nanny Sally". 

We were greeted at the gate by Mum, Sal, Robin, Dad, Jo and Gemmy. They were all so excited to see us.  I stopped the car and popped the boot whilst Dad helped me get the bags and basket out.  Gemmy took Melie from her car seat as she loudly announced that she had "first cuddle dibs".  Sez just laughed.  "If you want you can change her too Aunty Gemmy she's just had a bit of an explosion I think"  I could smell it and almost gagged.  I loved my daughter to bits but man that was almost too much.  Gemmy was so good she popped her over her shoulder and whisked our angel off to the bathroom, returning shortly after.  "Woah that was something else she said, but she so damn cute I couldn't be cross". I laughed.  "Well next time she has an "explosion" "I'll ring you Gem Gem and you can come fix it up".  "Once and once only little bro, I'm making an exception because she's just got home".  

"Enough talk about our daughters bodily functions then you lot" Sez announced "let's crack open some bubbles aye, H, baby you go get the Dom Perignon from the cellar".  I headed down to the wine cellar and grabbed a couple of our favourite bottles of Champagne.  When I married Sez she made me promise that we'd always have at least five on hand, she loved her bubbles.  I'd brought  three cases just before Christmas and a couple of cases of Veuve Cliquot as it was Gemmy's favourite.  I headed back upstairs with the bottles. Sez had the glasses out on the kitchen bench all ready to be filled.  She'd put a Strawberry in each glass and I popped the corks with great gusto and poured the bubbles into the flutes.  "Thanks you lovely lot for being here for us, we appreciate you so much and are glad that you are such an important part of our lives.  Melie is the luckiest little girl in the world to have you all on her side so "Cheers to Grandparents, family and cool Aunties".  "Cheers" we all clinked our glasses.  

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