Chapter Fifteen

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Harry's POV - Stags Weekend - Munich

I was feeling bloody sore after paintball and Laser Tag so was pleased that we were going to have a relaxed night.  Off to Dinner somewhere and then maybe to a club for a couple.  To be honest I just wanted to get home to my angel.  I missed her terribly and wanted to get home and cuddle on our big couch and maybe have a game of Scrabble where I would kick her arse repeatedly.  She had won a couple of times the minx.  I let her think she was good but she'd never be as good as me ha ha! 

El Gaucho was a favourite of ours and didn't dissapoint.  Lou had spoken to Walter the owner (who we all knew really well) and had ensured we had the whole restaurant to ourselves for the evening.  Sometimes having connections had its advantages, I hated the whole pretentious bullshit stuff but sometimes you just wanted the quiet and peaceful life. As always Walter and his staff looked after us with amazing Steaks, Beer and Wine and whatever else we fancied.  I had a really good chat to Walter and told him all about Sez and our dot.  He was so excited for me and insisted that that I take a bottle of Peach Schnapps home and open it when the baby was born.  Walter was such a generous man and always looked after us when we were in Germany.  Sometimes after our concerts when we were touring,  Walter would stay open for us and we would head down to his restaurant to relax.  His daughters Adeline and Elspeth were huge fans of ours so we made sure that we gave Walter tickets for our shows.

Our business is sometimes a fickle one and we meet so many people who befriend us for what they can get but not Walter.  He was always so genuine and excited to hear about what we were doing and how our tour had been so far. Lou and I made sure we left him a generous tip as shutting his restaurant just for us was great.  He of course resisted and said that"we weren't to be silly" and he "couldn't take it".  Lou was persistent though "Come on Wally, just take it yeah, its our way of thanking you for helping us out, spend it on the girls or buy yourself something nice with it, just take it yeah"? "You boys are too kind, ok, I will take it, but have another drink yes"? "Yes Wally, I said we'll have another shot, come on you get them ready and we'll toast to my dot aye"? "Ahh yes, Harold, we shall do that".  Walter poured the shots and we downed them yelling "cheers" as everyone joined in.  I excused myself and headed to the Loo. I sent Sez a quick text letting her know that I missed her and couldn't wait to see her tomorrow.  Coming back from the bathroom I saw that the lads were putting their coats etc on.   We fixed the bill said our goodbyes to Walter,  and headed out into the chilly Munich air to The Flushing Meadows Club, the rooftop bar was a favourite and had a good vibe to it.  I liked the terrace and how you could see all over Munich.  It would be a good place to write.  Julian obviously had the same idea as I could see him sitting in the corner with his Iphone to his lips obviously recording a voice memo or some little snippet he wanted to remember.  I gave him a nod and he laughed back.  

The braziers were going and the wine was great.  I was enjoying the chill atmosphere talking to Grimmy and James and didn't even see her come to sit beside me.  "Hello stranger, long time no see".  The look on Grimmy's face was priceless but not in a good way.  I knew that voice anywhere.  Kendall.  "Wh wh what are you doing here"?  I gasped as she flung herself at me causing me to spill my drink over Lou.  "Jesus fuck Haz, what was that, oh hi Kendall".  Lou looked as if he'd just tasted something nasty and was about to vomit.  "Hey, you, "  she  yelled and squashed Lou in a hug then proceeded  to make her way round to Ni who leaped into her arms yelling "Kenny Bear" and then Payno who politely hugged her and went back to talking to Tom.  

"Jeff told me you guys were here so I decided I'd come check this place out, I'm here for a Victoria's Secret Shot".  Jeff, fucking fantastic.  It was Jeff last time that got me into shit with Kendall.  I didn't want to go through all that again.  I'd nearly lost my Sez because of all that crap and I didn't fancy reliving it.  "Kendall, I think you had better leave".  I stood up and started escorting her down the stairs.  "Why, H, can't we talk, I've missed you".  She was too close and I didn't like it.  Her hands touching my chest and then my cheek.  "I'm fucking engaged Kendall, I love Sez, this is not a good idea for you to be here".  "Come on baby" she whispered, we all know that that's never stopped you before, she's not here, what she doesn't know won't hurt her, for old times sake hmm"?  "She's fucking pregnant Kendall" I shouted, " do you understand that, she's carrying my child and I fucking love her".  

I didn't often loose my shit with Kendall but she really pushed my buttons and I was over her bullshit.  I saw the tears in her eyes.  "I'm sorry Kendall but this is just not going to happen, I love Sarah, I'm marrying her in just under a month and we're having a baby".  "Yeah, yeah, I get it, you're in love with the blonde, she's pregnant and yeah well, hope you'll be happy".  "I am happy Kendall, I'm really really happy and I want you to be happy too, I'm sorry but I just can't be happy with you, yeah we had some fun and that was great but Sez, she's it for me".  "You know what Styles, you're a fucking arsehole" and with that she stormed down the stairs out through the bar and onto the street.  I very stupidly ran after her knowing that what I just said had the desired effect.  I needed her to see that it was over between us, no more.  "Kenny wait, I I'm sorry love, I just".  "Forget it Harry, you made it quite clear how you feel".  She turned to walk down the street but I caught her arm and pulled her in for a hug.  Just then I saw a flash of light.  Fucking paps. 

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