Chapter Eleven

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Sarah's POV - September 16th 2017 - Hen's Weekend - Majorca 

Lou & Gem had taken care of all the arrangements for my Hen's Weekend, all I had to do was turn up.  I'd been a bit concerned as I hadn't told any one else about my pregnancy except Lou and I didn't know how I was going to get on this weekend.  "Don't worry babe" Lou had assured me, "I'll buy your drinks and we'll just pretend they have alcohol in them ok"?  I wasn't sure it would work but I trusted her.  "Ok Lou Lou, I trust you and know you won't lead me astray".  "Wouldn't dream of it doll I know Haz would have my head if I did".  

I had to laugh as H had given Lou strict instructions on what I was allowed to do and what I wasn't.  He was so bloody gorgeous, looking after me, giving me massages and foot rubs each night, running me baths and just generally being the beautiful man I loved.  We would sing to my tummy and pepper it in kisses, then talk away telling it all about his day.  He'd even brought a Pregnancy Book for Dads online bless him and would read it in bed at night.  "Babe do you know that your uterus expands to over 500 times its normal size when you're pregnant"?  I had to laugh as he would come out with these wee gems each night. "I didn't know that H, but that's good to know honey".  

H had offered to drive us all to the air port. We swung by Lou & Tom's then Gems and headed out to Heathrow. Cheryl, Danielle and Anne were already waiting. There was one person missing though and my heart felt a little empty. My Mum.  I would have loved if she was there but unfortunately she was unable to get time off.  She was coming over next month so I would be seeing her very soon.  

 I was greeted with hugs and kisses, everyone excited about the trip.  H was going to be leaving for his Stag Weekend to Munich later on in the day.  He swept me up in a warm bear hug and kissed me lovingly.  "Love you so much my girl, have a wonderful time, I know Lou will look after you, I'm holding her responsible for you and our dot so she better do her job".  I suddenly became very teary.  I hadn't been apart from H for a long time and the realization that I was leaving him for three days was a little too much. 

"Hey, it's ok love, you'll be ok,I trust Lou, I was kidding".  I buried my head into his shirt.  "Gonna miss you Styles, just didn't realise how much".  I really was a sap.  My stupid hormones all over the place.  "I'll miss you more my girl, so very much I love you".  His strong arms enveloping me rubbing circles on my back like he always did when I was upset, he looked down at me with his beautiful smile that melted my heart and made me fall in love with him all over again.  "Shushhh baby, you're going to have a wonderful time, you'll be ok, you go and enjoy yourself, we will Facetime every night I promise".  

"You're not going to have time to Facetime me H, you'll be so busy and and ughh".  I dissolved into tears again, full on sobbing,  god I was ridiculous.  "Hey, listen you, I'll make time,  come on angel, its going to be ok, please don't be upset".  Just then I saw a flash go off in my face.   Paps.  H tensed as he was aware that we were being filmed.  "Can't they ever just fuck off jesus" he whispered in my ear.  "I know love I know" I sniffled.  

I decided then that it was best that H just leave before we drew any more attention to ourselves.  "H, you need to leave they're going to keep taking photos".   "Don't want to leave you like this angel".  He was holding on to me so tightly his lips brushing my head, kissing me gently. I squared my shoulders and wiped my eyes looking into his.  "I'm fine love, just being hormonal and silly, its ok you head off, I'll be fine".  Lou by this stage had made her way over to me concerned I was upset.  "Ohh babe she whispered, it's ok, I know you're all over the place but it's going to be ok, I promise".  H  whispered in Lou's ear.  "Please Lou,  look after my girl, she's got precious cargo on board you know".  I could see the tears in his eyes now.  "You know I will handsome, she'll be fine".  H releasing his grip on me.  "Love you my girl, I'll see you Monday"  "I'll be counting the hours Styles, love you and see you Monday".  I kissed him tenderly on the lips then watched him walk through the terminal with bloody paps in tow, Lou wrapping me in a lovely warm hug, "it's ok babes.,,.l I know its hard but we are going to have the best time".  I knew Lou was right.  I needed to snap out of this funk and start enjoying myself. 

Lou and Gem had chosen extremely well

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Lou and Gem had chosen extremely well.  Our home for the next few days was beautiful.  We had the penthouse suite.  Harry  had paid for the Hotel.  Lou told me he insisted on it. My beautiful guy, his generosity knew no bounds.  I had been told not to bring any money for the weekend but I had sneakily put my credit card into my wallet as I didn't feel right having everyone pay for me.  H had insisted that I be a signatory to his accounts so our accounts were now joined.  I felt comforted in the fact that I would never want for anything ever again, though being with H wasn't about money.  He was my best friend, confidant, lover, my soul mate, my light, my home.  

Ughh I'd started again, tears springing to my eyes.  Thinking about what he was doing, hoping that he had got away to the airport with the lads ok.  This time it was Anne who came to give me a hug.  "Ohh my darling girl, is everything ok"?   "I'm fine Anne, just missing H". "I know love, I know, it's harder when you're pregnant and your hormones are all over the place".  My mouth dropped.   "How did you know I whispered, did H say something"?  "No darling he hasn't said a word, he didn't have to,  a mother knows these things, the shape of your body has changed, the way Harry was cuddling your protectively, your hand resting on your tummy and you've got that glow about you, it's beautiful darling and I'm going to be a Grandma".  Little tears at the corner of her eyes.  I hugged her tight.  "Well Granny I whispered back, the dot H and I are extremely excited".  


The girls had lots of fun things planned for me apparently so I had to be up for anything within reason. We started off by going snorkelling.  It was lovely being in the warm water.  Reminded me of when we were in Croatia.   We swam round for a couple of hours then headed back to shore.  Our next port of call was a walk through the old town and dinner at a beautiful restaurant.  From here Lou decided that we would go clubbing.  As promised she looked after me buying my drinks insuring that no-one else plied me with alcohol.  It was hilarious to watch Gem and Anne slowly get drunk.  I took a quick pic and sent it H with the caption "what they hell am I marrying into Harold"?  

He messaged me straight away "Oh dear my girl, what are they drinking, no wait let me guess Sangria, watch those two on that they get mental, Love you sweetheart and I miss youuuuu xox xox xox xox xox xox xox xox xox xox  Silly bugger , but he was...

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He messaged me straight away "Oh dear my girl, what are they drinking, no wait let me guess Sangria, watch those two on that they get mental, Love you sweetheart and I miss youuuuu xox xox xox xox xox xox xox xox xox xox  Silly bugger , but he was my silly bugger.  

We ended up heading to a few other clubs and even entered a Karaoke competition.  I sung "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" with Lou and Cheryl which of course we nailed because we had Cheryl carrying us, Gem, Anne and Danielle sang together, I laughed so hard I nearly peed my pants, Gem giving it her all singing "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" Whitney Houston would have been proud.  Cheryl, Lou and I ended up winning but we gave the prize back for someone else as we had a professional entertainer on our team.  We ended up leaving the club about 3.30am stopping of course for the obligatory kebab on the way home.  Gem was hilarious singing all the way back to the hotel kissing me and holding my hand as we walked back.  "Sez bloody love you babes, sooooo fucking glad you are marrying Hazzy,  he loves you sooooo much, you know that don't you".  I was laughing as Gem and I had been drunk like this on our Europe and UK trip.  "Love you back Gem Gem and yip, that curly headed brother of yours has my heart always". 

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