Chapter three

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Over with Fallacy in his castle

Fallacy's POV

Today has been a have long day, first Fibi dropped one of my rare tea sets, then Jasper was late home, no he still is yet to come home and its already day time and lastly Charlos mess's up all my documents so I've been putting them back in order and I even had to rewrite some of them, so that's what I've been all day. this is so bloody boring I thought as I finished the rest of the documents, that's when someone knocked on the door "come in" I sighed as Suave walked in "my-lord, lord Jasper has still not come home and I fear the huntress may o-" "don't be stupid Suave, Jasper may not act smart but he's smart enough not to get himself killed by the likes of her" I said dragging out the word her "I-I didn't mean it like that sir, its just word around the village Eterna the huntress has caught a young Vampire, it just got me thinking my-lord" Suave said worried "very well as soon as night falls we'll set out to get him back, is that understood?" "yes my-lord" he said leaving me alone once again. Where are you Jasper? You better not have gotten into trouble and if Eterna dear hurts him.....she'll be dead where she stands. I could feel my anger boiling inside me and this stress was nothing I had felt for a long time, after this mess is over I'm going to take a nice hot bath and wont get out for days.

Its funny how time fly's when your planning someone's death, *knock, knock* "come in Suave" "my-lord its night time" time really does fly "I see, lets go then" I grabbed my cloak and Suave had his, we both went left the castle Suave riding a black horse and I was flying in bat form towards the village and toward where Eterna locked up the Vampires she had caught over the years. Once we got there I sat on Suave's shoulder in bat form "how do we this my-lord?" "walking side first and look around" "what about Eterna?" "I'll deal with her just get inside" as Suave walked in I taken the snit of the place, I looked around and still no sign of Jasper "my-Lord" "did you find him?" he looked really sad, I guessing no or he' can't "its Charlos my-lord" I sighed in relief as I turned out of bat form and walked over to where Charlos was being healed "m-my lord you're here, I-I knew you would come" he was shaking really badly "my-lord do you want me to free him?" "yes" I looked around more as Suave freed Charlos and picked him up walking over to me, "his really hurt my-lord do you want me to get him back to the castle?" before I could say anything and axe was thrown aiming for Suave but I grabbed it before it could hit him "t-thank you my-lord" "you'll be putting him back in his cell and joining him in there, you disgusting blood suckers" Eterna shouted "Suave get Charlos back to the castle, I've got Eterna" "as you wish my-lord" "your wrong Lord Fallacy you don't have me, I've got you!!!" she shouted running at me.

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