Chapter twenty Eight

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Encre’s POV

Before I left for home I picked up both Fallacy’s cloak and Jaspers, I threw Jaspers over the cliff and watched and It landed on the rock Suave died on, now there dust can be together. Then I dragged my self home, I told everyone what happened, they knew about Fallacy wanting to marry me “do not worry Encre they will pay for what they have done” Night said making his way over to me “Fallacy told the Vampire  council about what he was doing and said if anything where to happen to him, you’d take over but I need to know, will you?” I nodded. This is to much to take in, to much to soon but there is one thing I do know for sure,  Eterna is a dead woman walking!! Night and I talked for a bit not to long, I’m the new king of Vampire's and I’m not even a Vampire, he said we’d have to talk about that later and the Vampire council will be visiting away soon, I really don’t want to deal with them.
Soon that day came, I didn’t know how much I’d miss Suave walking me and Fallacy up now there both gone, I lay in an empty bed, crying to myself, life really does hate doesn’t she, fist my brother and now the family I had just made after so long of being alone. I have to get out of bed, there going to be here soon and I need to be ready. When I done getting ready I went down to the dinning room and waited for them, they showed up on time like they said they would “good morning Lord Encre” “Bonjour” (good morning) I said back with little to no emotion “we’re sorry for your loss, it comes to a big shock to us all” “Je sais, maintenant aller au point” (I know, now get to the point) “well Lord Fallacy said as his last order if anything was to happen to him you’d take over, I can’t disobey him even now but only a Vampire and lead Vampires, you do understand” “Que faites-vous quoi?” (what do you what?) “you need to be turned into a Vampire” one said as another added “if you don’t you can’t be king” “Comment ferions-nous cela?” (how would we do this?) “well there are two way you can do it, one getting bite by a Vampire or, drinking the blood of one” “you don’t have to do this Encre” Night spoke worried for me “you could die” “Je m'en fou, allons finir” (I don't care, lets get this over with) “good” I followed them into the kitchen to where they got out a large goblet and pull out knifes and one by one they cut them self's and let their blood drip into it until if was full “it’s ready” I nodded and walked over to it, It’s smelt really bad but I have to drink it, so holding my breath I drank all the blood as fast as I could. I had a really weird flavor, both salty and sweet but once I was done my head hurt so much, and room started to spine. I don’t get what's going one but I passed out before I could ask.

Night’s POV

I caught Encre before he hit the ground “he passed out, oh well it’s to be expected” “that was a risky move and you know it” “shut up, servants are to be seen and don’t heard” I glared at them before leaving to take Encre to him room, I put him to bed and left him be. The red moon is going to be coming up soon, I know how Fallacy and Jasper where on a red moon but they where used to it, I can only fear what Encre will be like. After two hours Encre woke up I know this because I could hear him screaming from the library, I knew this would happen, the stange on then the fangs grow is the most painful stage but likely it’s the last stage. There isn’t anything I can do but try and cram him down once I did he fell asleep again, today has been a long day for him but I will stand by him as I did Fallacy nothing has changed, Fallacy I give you my word I will protect him until my last dying breath. I left Encre to sleep he wont take up till tomorrow, I heard someone knock on the door, opening it I saw Rufous and a Stanger behind him “Rufous what brings you here?” “it’s not true is it? There not dead are they?” I let them both in and explained everything to them, I learned that Rufou’s friend is a friend of Fallacy’s going by the name Satana they both cried when I told them “that bitch is going to die” “I know but right now Encre need us, if he is to be the next King he need’s people like us right now” “ni har rätt, hur är han?” (your right, how is he?) “he’s asleep but hurting so much” “we staying here now, I left a latter for Azure, is it ok if he stay’s here with us?” “I’m sure it’s ok” “good” “but that’s not my call to make, it’s Encre, you will need to speak to him about it, they both nodded in agreement.

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