Chapter fifteen

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Encre’s POV ((again XD))

Once we all finished eating and talked for a bit after, I felt a bit sleepy so said good night and went off to my room but when I saw my art book, I had remembered what had happened in the bath room, blushing harshly I drew Lord Fallacy again but this time with no clothes on I’ll have to make sure he never look’s inside this. I don’t how long I’ve been up but some one knocked on the door “Sir Encre may I come in?” “um sure you can” the door opens and Jasper is standing there, he come’s in closing the door behind him and walking over to my bed “I thought you’d be asleep by now but your lights on” “Ouais je voulais juste dessiner quelque chose” (yeah I just wanted to draw something) “sounds cool, anyway I wanted to ask you something, now were alone” “qu'Est-ce que c'est?” (what is it?) “well I’ve noticed how you act around my father and how he acts around you, despite the very short time you’ve been here. I know your very nice but I’m just looking out for him, he doesn’t seem like it but he soft and easy to break and from I can tell he really likes you so I’m here to know what you feel about my father?” I blushed to much than I already was “Je, il est .........” I couldn’t find the words. I do like him, I do, he’s sweet, hot and so much more “lost for words huh? I understand but I already have my answer” he said walking away. Oh no, I do like him, that what I wanted íto say “nice drawings by the way, I can tell you like him Encre” I closed my really fast as he laughed leaving my room. I can’t believe he saw those drawings!!! I carried on drawing them, I tried to sleep a couple times but nothing works and I was getting bored. I hadn’t seen all of Lord Fallacy’s castle and I really wanted to see more of it, walking around for a bit I found the front door, I was at the top of the big grand stairs, there where paintings every where of Fallacy, Jasper, Suave and other people that I couldn’t remember there names or just never meet before. The next room was the ball room me and lord Fallacy danced in, it was a bit dark but I had a candle with me to light up each room as I went around. After I left the ball room I found the dinning room, I should really remember where everything is, I envy Fallacy and everyone here to be able live in such a beautiful castle. I walked into one of the biggest kitchens I’ve ever seen, though king Asgour’s is a bit bigger but this one is nicer, it was really clean here I wonder how many cooks Fallacy has? I should really be asleep but can’t no matter how sleep I feel. I saw a music room, something that looks like a class room?, the servants rooms I didn’t walk in they had sings on there doors, a few other bath room’s, two other study rooms and that how far I got to until I noticed my candle was about to go out but I went outside for a bit and I saw the sun rising it felt so warm as the light hit my bones, I was in the garden it was amazing, there was so many different flowers out here, I needed to draw some of them. 

Azure’s POV

Finally as day came I was able to get the other guards to help look for Encre, I just hope he’s ok out there “is everyone here?” I asked everyone nodded “w-wait now everyone is” Rufous said “S-Sir Rufours what brings you here?” “I’m helping you guys look for Encre” “now, now there’s no need for that, thank you though” I turned around to walk off, I really don’t want him getting hurt but he got in front of me “hay, I know the wood’s pretty well so I’ll be able to make my way around just fine” he’s not going to give up is? That what I really like about you Rufous but of cause you’ll never know “ok then, just be careful” “you to” with that over we all went into the woods to look for Encre . We hadn’t gotten that far into the woods when an axe came flying at my head, I was able to grab it before it actually hit me “Azure! What are you doing here?” Eterna yelled walking over to me “oh no “sorry for throwing an axe at your head and nearly killing you, it’s ok” she just glared at me and she wonders why she has no friends other than Dc Lofy “what are you doing here?” “w-were looking for Encre” Rufous answered for me “was I talking to you?” “we’re looking for Encre, like what Rufous said, no need to be rude” “why are you looking for that traitor” “he’s not a traitor, he just s-” “SAVED A VAMPIER!! You know how the king and queen feel about Vampires! They couldn’t care less if Encre lived for died, so just go home” the other guards agreed and left but I wouldn’t “he’s out there somewhere and he could our help” “fuck off” “make me” she didn’t do anything so I walked past her “Rufous I would like it if you went home, I’ll be back by tonight ok” “o-ok” I heard him slowly walk away as I went on ahead.
I had been walking for a while, there was no sign of Encre anywhere, I’m starting to get really worried about him as I came to a clearing I saw something, walking over to it, I could see it was Encre’s sward. Knowing this he must be close by where’s he might have been hurt and if so where would he go? Encre might have gone up to the old castle, no one lives there anymore…..I think no one lives there anymore. It shouldn’t take to long to get there, I picked up Encre’s sward and made my way over to the castle ‘Encre you better not be dead!!

Encre’s POV

Oh my god I feel so dead, there’s not much to do than draw what I see, not that I mind of cause but I need something different to draw other than plant’s and the animals. I sighed to much as I laying under a tree, it’s mid day now or maybe later and I still can’t fall asleep, I’ve had a few naps but they don’t last long. As I felt my self full asleep again, I could hear someone calling my name but I couldn’t remember who’s voice that is, next then I know there picking me up and carrying me. I tried to wake up but I could, the person stops, I started to wake up and see who it was, it was Sir Azure “Encre! Your wake” he put me down “are you ok?” he ask’s “je vais bien” (I’m alright) “good, who’s clothes are you wearing? I think the last time I saw you, you was wearing brown and cream” “Ce sont des vêtements Lord Fallacy” (these are Lord Fallacy clothes) “he just gave them to you!?” “Ouais, il me laisse même vivre avec lui” (yeah, he's even letting me live with him) “I see, I guess your more save out here than in the village, sorry” “C'est bien, tu essayais juste de me surveiller, merci” (it's fine, you were just trying to look out for me, thank you) “you don’t need to say that, are you ok to get home on your own or would you like me to walk with you?” “Non, je peux rentrer à la maison tout seul bien merci bien” (no, i can get home alone just fine thank you though) “ok then till we meet again oh and before I forget, this belongs to you” he got my sward out and gave it to me “Merci, Au Revoir  Monsieur Azure” (thank you, good bye Sir Azure) I watched him walk away till I couldn’t see him anymore. Once he was gone I started to make my own way home, I couldn’t help but notice it was going to be.

((Oh god that was 1415 words X3 I'm really happy with this one. Tell what you think about this one, I'm still open for suggestions *pouts at a open box* so feel free to throw any ideas if you have any X3. Well that's all for now peeps))

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