Chapter twenty three

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Jasper’s POV

I needed this, just running around, feeling as free as the wind. I had been out for longer than I told what Suave I would be but I really didn’t want to go home just yet, as I was running I saw some one in a cloak. I stopped running standing close to them as the slowly walked over to a cliff as closer inspection I could see this person was wearing my fathers cloak! But I still couldn’t tell who it was “Jag vet att du är bakom mig” (I know you're behind me) he person spoke but I couldn’t understand them, I stepped out anyway this person has there face hidden so I could see who it was “you have my Father’s cloak, give it back now and I wont hurt you” “Nej, jag kommer att göra något sådant Jasper” (no, I will be doing no such thing Jasper)  I went to grab them but the move aside really fast and ran off, I ran after them and I was so close but they throw something at me, it hit me on the head ,this ending up with me face planting the floor. I looked up to see them get away and a coconut right next to me, “really out of all thing’s they could have throw, they throw a coconut?” I say to myself as I started to walk home, my head hurt I’ll get Suave to kiss it better~.

(*time skip to 27 weeks in the future* brought to you by the Swedish speaking stranger wearing Fallacy’s cloak)

Encre’s POV

I lay there cuddling into to Fallacy as he tried to get me to wake up, Suave had already walked in and light the room up “come on Encre it’s time to wake up~” “non” (no) “wake up~” “non” (no) “please~” “non” (no) I really don’t want to get up and no one is going to make me, not Fallacy not no body, I’m to sleepy for this. I know Fallacy and I know he wont give up, this might not end well “oh well, I guess you’ve given me not choice” I wonder what he’s up to but with warning to grabs my spine and ribs making me moan in surprise “AAAAH~!F-Fallacy~!” he let go after that, I sat up facing him he was smirking trying not to laugh while I blushed like fuck “what~?” “arrêter de faire ça!” (stop doing that!) “doing what~?” “vous savez quoi” (you know what) he laughed at me, he is going to regret that and waking me up. I glared at him once he noticed he stopped laughing and looked a bit worried “hey coem on, you know its just all fun and games? But if it’s really bothering you that much I’ll stop ok?” I said nothing “come on i-I said I was sorry, please stop looking at me like that” I smirked, he let his guard down I token this chance to pin him to the bed he yelped in shock as  I pined both his hands above his head with one hand giving me one free and to have fun “E-Encre? W-what are yo-” “Tout le plaisir et les jeux que vous avez dit, bien maintenant, c'est mon tour ~” (all fun and games you said, well now it's my turn~) he blushed bright yellow as I slipped my hand under his shirt and rubbed his ribs he tried to hold in his moans but turn up the heat a bit by leaning down and licking his neck this made moan softly until I hit one spot on his neck “AAH~ p-please Encre I-I get the point p-” I bit his neck on that spot “AAAH~ E-Encre~” ok I think play time is over now~ I let go of his hands and kissed him. He put his arms around my neck and kissed back after a while we broke for air “y-your lucky you s-stopped there or you might have just put me into heat~” I laughed at this “Votre si mignon comme ceci ~” (your so cute like this~) “s-shut up I-I’m not cute!” “Ok sûr que votre pas, cutie ~” (ok sure your not, cutie~) he said nothing as I got of bad and started to get dressed “À plus tard cutie ~” (see you later cutie~) “I’M NOT CUTE!” I laughed as I left the room, I enjoy teasing him. After walking down stairs I saw the front door was open and there was shouting, I couldn’t tell who it was so I went down to see what was going on. When I got there saw Suave and Gazelle shouting at each other, they didn’t know I was there so I just stood there a watched, it was funny. “are you really that stupid!?” “it wasn’t my fault maybe if you was looking where you was doing your job it wouldn’t have happened would it!?” “Gazelle you put a ladder in front of a door, what was I meant to do walk though the ladder!?” “I was getting the chain plates that were there!” “but we never use them unless of something really important, you know that! But now we can’t because there broken! Gone!” “that’s not my fault!” “yes it is!” “Il ne semble pas sa faute, mais peut-être aurait-il été préférable d'avoir mis l'échelle ailleurs” (it doesn't seem like her fault, though maybe it would have been better to have put the ladder somewhere else) they both stopped looked over to me “see I told you Suave!” “how long have you been there Lord Encre?” Suave asked “assez long” (long enough) they both looked at each other “you wont tell Lord Fallacy will you?” Gazelle asked “Lui dire de quoi?” (tell him about what?) “thank you” they both said. We all walked in forgetting that happened and went into the dinning room where Jasper was sat reading a book “morning Encre” “Bonjour Jasper” (good morning Jasper) I sat down and he put his book away, we talked for a bit untill Fallacy came down and sat next to me still blushing a little Jasper noticed this and made fun of him a bit both me and Jasper laughed while Suave tried not to “oh hush the lot of you” “nope, it’s funny when you blush because you always make fun of me when I blush” Jasper said smirking a bit  “did you and Encre have a little fun this morning?”  i blushed at this “and by Encre’s expression I’m not wrong” “alright that’s enough pinkie” “pinkie?” “yes you turn pink when you blush it’s really grily I you ask me, so I can tell who the sub and the dom it between you and Suave” “beats being yellow” “Ok les deux vous l'avez coupé maintenant” (ok both of you cut it out now) “or what?” they both said at the same time “Je vais peindre les deux pour vos visages pendant que vous dormez” (I'll paint both for your faces while you sleep) that made them shut up. After that we all went off on our own Fallacy had paper work to do, Jasper had on of his class’s with Suave and I went to my drawing room to paint, I had been in there for hours or at lest it felt like it, I had made two paintings on of the castle at night with a the starry night sky behind it  and the other of Me, Fallacy, Jasper and Suave all together, I loved both of them and I love them , Jasper, Suave and Fallacy.

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