Chapter forty one: confusion

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Encre’s POV

I fell to the ground, at least it didn’t hurt as bad as last time, but that when Lisa fell on top of me “OW!” now that hurt. We stood up “why are we in the village? Encre I thought it we set for the forest?” “C'était, mais il semble que Simon ait changé ce que je lui ai dit de mettre en place, nous pourrions être n'importe où dans le temps, il y a 10 semaines, 20 ans plus tard, nous pourrions avoir plus de 100 ans qui sait?” (it was but it seems Simon changed what i told him to set up, we could be anywhere in time, 10 weeks back, 20 years back, we could be 100 years back whos knows? ) I sighed in frustration “I think we went father than we wanted to but I thing we could use this to our  advantage” I get it but how are we going to go anywhere it’s day time, where both vampiers and Eterna is alive “wait” “quelle? Qu'est-ce qu'on attend?” (what? what are we waiting for?) I asked as she looked out of the  dark alleyway we where hiding in “it's Rufous and Azure and looking on how there both blushing yet acting as if there not means they haven’t took each other that they in love with each over” she said jumping up and down. I gave her a weird look that said have you gone nuts? “Je sais que je le connais si mignon ensemble, mais nous n'avons pas pu ici pour les raccorder, nous sommes là pour les sauver de mourir, souviens-toi?” (look i know there cute together but we didn't could here to hook them up, we're here to save them from dying remember?) she sighed as she calmed down a bit “I was hoping you could put two and two together but I guess you can’t” “Que veux-tu dire par là?” (what do you mean by that?) I said bitterly “I remember what Azure told me when I asked about their story” “et?” (and?) “they told me how they confessed to each ohter and then once they heard about Fallacy’s, Jasper’s and Suave’s death the showed up at the cautls” “Ne me rappelle pas, mais je ne vois pas ce que cela a à voir avec quoi que ce soit?” (don't remind me but i don't see what this has to do with anything?) she sighed again, what is it that I’m not getting but she is? “I’m sorry what I trying to say I know when  we are, we’ve gone back before Fallacy’s, Jasper’s and Suave’s death. We’ve gone 30 weeks back in time” I, I can save them, I can really save them this time. I know I gong to be fucking with time but I don’t care “so what's are plan my king?” Lisa said getting down on one knee “Vous ne devez pas m'appeler roi si Fallacy Est en vie, cela signifie qu'il est encore roi pour que vous puissiez vous lever maintenant” (you don't have to call me king if Fallacy is alive that means he is still king so you can get up now) “I don’t care what time we are, for what you’ve done for us, you will always be a king to me and no one can say anything” I smiled at this, the amount of trust we had all had I didn’t think it was that much, it makes me so happy “D'abord, nous devons aller de cette ville, nous ne pouvons pas rester ici parce que nous sommes à peu près des canards assis” (ok first we need to get of this town, we can't stay here because we're pretty much sitting ducks) “got it, if we turn into bat form I think we’ll be small enough to fly along the shadows” shit Tombee never told how I even turn into bat form. I watched as Lisa turned into a brown bat with red eyes, her wings went from brown to green. “come on Encre” “Je ne sais pas comment” (I don’t know how) “oh well think of it like spinning, think  about what you want to be and you’ll be it, sounds stupid but it works” “Ok ok je vais l'essayer” (fine ok, i'll try it) I did as she said and soon enough I was in the air and then I fell to the floor “Encre! You need to remember to flap you wings all the time ok, follow my lead ok” “D'accord” (ok) I followed her, I was flying, I was really flying. It didn’t take to long but we got to the forest it was night time by then, we got, well I got burnt a bit but I not care, and few burns won't kill me.

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