Chapter thirty two

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Encre’s POV

It’s been a few days since Tombee and Rosey came to stay with us, they have been teaching me about controlling myself around none vamps, I’ve done really well so far, I only killed 4 animals and nearly killed some kids. I got hit up the head that day, it really hurt but I know why their doing it, I don’t no I can’t kill anyone the red moon is tomorrow. I was walking around and everyone was getting ready for it “please promise me no matter what you hear you’ll stay in your room and you’ll keep the door locked” “but brother” “NO, you don’t know what I’m like on a night like tomorrow promise me” “Tombee” “please” “I-I promise” “thank you” I smiled as they hugged. All the vampires are going to be standing in the left side of the castle while everyone stays on the right, it’s going to be a long night. We’re all only going to spend the day together well everyone else is I’m going to take a long hot bath.

Azure’s POV

Me,  Rufous, Rosey, Satana, Lisa and Viola where siting in the library just talking “where’s Lord Encre I thought he was going to join us” “lämna honom vara, han behöver tid för sig själv” (leave him be, he needs time to himself) “Satana’s Right he need’s time to pull himself together” “so how long have you guys known Encre?” Viola asked “about a week” Lisa answered “I’ve known him for just over two years and Azure just two” Rufous said hugging me, that’s right I remember when I first moved in to town Encre was already there, I have moved to this town to complete my training, I really wanted to become a member of the royal guard and after 5 weeks I became captain of the royal guard. We continued to talk about how we meet Encre and each other it was a lot of fun, I just wish Encre would have joined us, I would love to hear his story but I guess after losing the one’s he loved most in one quick moment has a way braking even the strongest of people. It didn’t feel that long, it took us all by surprise when Gazelle walked to pull the curtains shut “the sun has begin to rise, sorry for my interruption” “it’s fine Gazelle” Tombee spoke flicking throw pages of an old book “thank you my Lord” the walked out leaving us alone “so what are you reading bro?” Rufous asked looking over at his brother with curiosity lasted in his eyes “nothing that you would find fascinating” “but I want to know, please” “stop acting like child” “I’m not, I just asked” “well if you must know in reading a book on astronomy” “what?” “never mind it’s a book ab-” “I know what astronomy is bro, I just didn’t think you liked that stuff” “and why wouldn’t I?”  “I don’t know” the two went of about stars for a long time as me and the others talked got to know others better.
Once Rufous got a bit sleepy Me, him and Satana went to bed me and Rufous share a room, it’s great his brother keeps giving me weird looks as if I’m going to do something he would stop smirking at me to I hate it some times I really. When we  walked inside Tombee knocked on our door and walked in “I’m just here to tell you that I’m locking to door from the outside and sliding the key under the door, you will not be able to unlock the door from inside, so when it’s safe for you to come out I’ll knock four times. Good night brother, good night soon to be brother” he said walking out and locking the door,  just had to teas me before he left didn’t he. Great now I’m blushing, I look like a blueberry. I laid in bed cuddling up to Rufous  resting my head on his  chest as he held me his arms.

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