Chapter thirty

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Encre’s POV

After I finished all the paper work I went out, I know I shouldn’t but I needed some air and time for myself, it’s funny when grieve hits you isn’t it? I hadn’t felt anything all day but now all I can do is cry as I let my feet take where ever. I ended up at the once so beautiful cliff side, I walk over to the edge. It’s a full moon tonight and all the start are out, I sat don’t letting my feet dangle of the edge and I look up that the night sky with teary eyes

“tu es mon soleil, mon seul rayon de soleil. Vous me rendez heureux quand le ciel est gris, Tu ne sauras jamais chérie, combien je t'aime. S'il vous plaît ne pas prendre mon soleil loin.
Je vais toujours t'aimer et te rendre heureux, Parce que tu es mon soleil, mon seul soleil. Tu ne sauras jamais cher, à quel point je t'aime. S'il vous plaît ne pas prendre mon soleil loin, S'il vous plaît ne pas prendre mon soleil loin”
(you are my sunshine, my only sunshine. you make me happy when skies are gray, You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away.
I'll always love you and make you happy, cause you are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You'll never know dear, just how much I love you, Please don't take my sunshine away, Please don't take my sunshine away) I cried and cried until I couldn’t cry anymore and then I couldn’t cry the sadness that was in the core of my heart lit up to become pure range and anger. I can’t sit here and do nothing Gazelle, Bon Bon and Fibi need help and I’m going to help them. I still had my sword on me even if Night said I don’t need to keep it on my 24/7, I wont go anywhere with out it. After nearly an hour of walking I was close to the village, I put my cloak up and went in. I walked over to where Eterna kept vampires, I think that is where she would keep them held. I walked in, no one was in, well there vampires where but no Eterna. This is good with her gone I can get to them faster, walking down the hallway I could see all the vampires both glaring at me and fearing me for what I could do I found them “ENCRE!” Bon Bon shouted “don’t shout” Gazelle said as she walked over to me “I’m so happy to see you, I knew you wouldn’t leave us here, tell who made it back home?” “Personne ne l'a fait, j'étais le seul” (no one did, i was the only one) the started to cry as did Fibi and Bon Bon “Allez, nous devons sortir et rentrer à la maison” (come on we need to get out and go home) “y-your right My lord, open the cage door so was can leave then” I broke the lock and opened the door for them “what about the others?” Fibi asked “what about them?” “Gazelle don’t be rude” Bon Bon snaped “aren’t we going to free them to?” “De cause que nous les libérerons, quel genre de roi serait-je si je n'ai pas?” (of cause we'll free them, what kind of king would I be if I didn't?) there was lots of gasped when everyone heard that “you’re the new king? But what about Lord Fallacy?” “he’s dead remember” “oh yeah” some where having conversions like this one, it was really annoying but one by one I broke the locks and walked out with Fibi, Bon Bon and Gazelle and every some vampires from that where locked up choice to come with us, I’ll have to ask for there names later on.

((Heya peeps thank you so much for reading my book and leaving comments it really does mean a lot anyway I need your help, I would like to use your Vampire OC'S, they have to be Vampires. So if you don't mind just leave a comment and fill the form please and I shall write them in till  later X3


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