Ch.1 Inheritance

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Soo Jin POV

I watched the grey coffin with an emotionless stare. My aunt had called me a few days ago crying and sobbing. Screaming that my father had committed suicide and I should come down as soon as possible. Friends and family members lined up to give me flowers as they all mumbled the same words.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

I accepted the flowers but chose to remain silent throughout the rest of the funeral. When the time came to lower him into the ground I stood up and rested a hand on the coffin with the same emotionless stare. Could he not take it anymore? Was that it? Did my mother's death cause him so much pain that he would just kill himself?

"Come on sweetie.", my aunt's voice whispered and I turned to see her with saddened eyes as she held onto my shoulders. I could tell she wanted to break down over the death of her beloved brother.

I backed away and continued to watch as they lowered the coffin into the ground. After the funeral I told my aunt that I had decided to go to the house. Our house. I turned to leave before she could even answer wanting to avoid a lecture. Being engulfed in total silence was all I wanted most at the moment. My father and I weren't very close but regardless, he was still my father. After pulling into the driveway I slowly got out to walk inside but my eyes immediately scanned the walkway. I shook my head not wanting to think like the person I was 4 years ago and proceeded inside.

"Home sweet home huh?", I asked myself as I looked over the yellow tape and faded red splatter on the walls. I bit my lip as I could only imagine how it happened. I closed my eyes to take in the scent of dried blood and sweat. No one thought to spray the place down afterwards. I am going to have to live here for a while to sort out issues with my father's company.

I walked over to the kitchen table to see a stack of papers and folders. Letting a few curses slip my lips and began organizing each stack to get some type or order. I made myself a cup of coffee before taking a seat at the table to look through each stack thoroughly.

"If it's one thing you did right it was your job.", I mumbled looking at the different charts showing an increase in sales. I pushed the charts to the side when I came across a small envelope with my name written on it. I creases on my forehead deepened as I opened the envelope sliding out a piece of folded up paper.

Soo Jin, my loving daughter. I can't tell you everything that's been happening these past few days but what I can tell you is that I probably don't have long to live. By the time you read this I'll be long gone now. You are my only next of kin to inherit the company and I am giving the title of Company CEO. I know I'm asking too much of you but I want the family name to live on through you. Take this letter to Kim Seokjin at the front desk. He can tell you the rest. He is my closest friend. And I am putting my trust in the both of you to carry on what I have planted into this city. To my only daughter, my only child, I love you and hope for the best.


By the end of the letter I was ready to cry. I sat the piece of paper on the table and wiped my eyes. I was lost for words as I truly began to think about things.

"You knew you were gonna die.", I mumbled as my body went numb. My eyes couldn't focus on anything as the contents of the letter ran through my mind. A phone went off causing me to jump out of my seat and stumble out of the chair. I groaned as I got up to answer the phone with a throaty hello.

"Sumin?", a voice asked and I cleared my throat.

"No he passed away a few days ago.", I replied and the person let out a sigh.

"So then the rumors are true.", he said quietly. "Then may I ask who this is I am speaking to?"

"Soo Jin. His daughter.", I told him and he remained silent. "Hello?"

"I'm Kim Seokjin. I am terribly sorry for your loss but not once did he ever mention that he had a daughter.", he said and I scoffed.

"Yeah it's no surprise to me.", I stated and he cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry for asking but did he say anything about the future of the company?", he asked me and I looked at the piece of paper sitting on the table.

"I think it's best that I come see you.", I mumbled and he agreed. I left the house and drove myself to the main building. When I arrived there was a handsome man waiting for me in the lobby.

"Miss Lee?", he asked and I nodded with a sad smile. I handed the paper to him and he read over it with a frown.

"Well then Ms. Lee I think you might be able to save the company.", he smiled down at me and I frowned.

"I'm just an art major. What more can I do?", I stammered and he laughed.

"I could easily show you the ropes.", He told me with a welcoming smile. He led me to my father's office and my eyes widened at the different stacks of papers resting in different corners of the room. There was a half empty cup of coffee on the desk along with untouched chicken salad.

"Did he not know the meaning of clean?", I asked and Jin cleared his throat with a disgusted look.

"He may have been my closest friend but he definitely did not know how to clean up after himself. Especially on the nights he stayed in late.", He said as I put my hair up in a ponytail.

"I might as well get started if I'm going to take over this company.", I shrugged my shoulders moving to make a trash pile.

"I can help you Ms. Lee.", Jin smiled taking off his jackets and rolling up his sleeves.

"Just Soo Jin is fine.", I retorted.

"Okay Soo Jin.", He grinned picking up a pile of papers.  

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