Ch. 11: Ally or Enemy

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Jungkook POV

I stared down at Taehyung before a frown formed on my face.

"What, did the snitch tell you?", I sneered and Yoongi chuckled.

"What's with that tone Kookie?", he questioned with my name falling from his lips as if hes trying to taunt me. I clenched my fist as I held the lifeless body of my best friend in my arms.

"I can't do this anymore.", I mumbled and he went silent.

"Excuse me? I don't think I heard you correctly." His words laced with venom as he gritted through his teeth.

"My best friend is dead. Because of me. I. Can't. Do. This. Anymore.", I spat and he chuckled through the phone.

"Let's not forget who have you a fucking job when you turned your back on your family.", he said and I scoffed.

"I was taken from my family.", I argued.

"But you had a choice to go back.", he replied. "You threatened to kill them all if I did."

"Oh yeah. You're totally right kid. But that still stands if you kill the girl.", he said and I sighed.

"I can't do that."

"Fine. Then I'll record the scream of your parents so you can hear them one last time. Then I'll finish with you.", he hung up and my eyes widened as a nearby siren grew closer. I lowered Taehyung onto the ground before giving his hand one last squeeze before I dashed down the alley towards my parent's house.

Sweat rolled down my face as I sped down the street gun in hand. My eyes widened when I noticed the door kicked in. A gunshot rang throughout the streets and I rushed inside. My blood ran cold when I saw my father's body lying motionless on the floor. My mother's scream reached my ears and I quickly moved to the living room.

My eyes locked on Wonho holding my mother at gun point. He held a smirk before I ran towards him only to be punched in the jaw. He chuckled moving to pull the trigger when a knife was thrown into his shoulder.

"Fucking shit.", he groaned turning to see my brother before he took off upstairs.

"Damn it.", he cursed running up the stairs. I took the chance to check my mother over for any wounds.

"I'm alright but your father...", she cried as she held me tight.

"I'm gonna kill him. Make this right.", I said and she shook her head.

"I can't lose you too Jungkook. You and your brother are all I have left.", as the words left her, my brother came tumbling down the stairs with a bloody nose and busted lip. Wonho came back before kicking him in the gut. I got up and tackled Wonho into the cabinet, sending glass shards all over the floor.

He rolled us over and punched me across the face. I blocked his attacks and kicked him over my head. His back hit the floor giving me and opening to grab the gun. He pulled my leg, dragging me across the floor as I got close before plunging a knife into my hand. I shouted in pain as my mother move towards me. He fired in her direction, striking her in the shoulder.

"And that was just a warning shot!", he yelled, kicking me in the side. He snatched the knife out of my hand leaving me on the floor. He brought his foot up to step in my mother's shoulder. She screamed out and I moved to help her but he raised his gun at me.

"Ah ah. Don't even think about it.", he chuckled pulling out his phone.

"Everyone is accounted for aside from the girl. She managed to get away.", he stated bringing his foot onto my brother's neck.

"Forget about her for now. Deal with the matter at hand. The bitch first, then his piece of shit brother. Leave Jungkook for last. This will teach him to respect me.", Yoongi said from the other line." Wonho gave a sinister smirk before moving his foot. I quickly shoved myself between him and my mother disregarding the pain shooting up my arm.

He raised his gun as he stared down at me. "Don't worry Kookie, you'll get your turn." I clenched my jaw in defiance as I protected my mother the best I could. Wonho scoffed at my attempt and placed the barrel of his gun to my forehead.

"No please don't!", my mother cried out as she tried to save my life. "Please."

"You kill me but let them go.", I said and he chuckled.

"I would but that's not what I was told to do. It's over Jeon. Accept that.", he smirked as my mother held onto my arm.

I let my eyes close preparing for my life to be over. The memories from when I was a child came flashing back and I smiled at the scenes. I accepted my death. I did the best I could to protect my family, but now my father is dead and soon we'll all be. I could hear my mother sobbing behind me and my brother trying to be strong.

"It's okay."

"Who would've ever thought the entire family going out the same way. A bullet to the head.", Wonho taunted.

"Sooner or later, you'll get yours. Karma's a bitch Wonho, remember that."

The sound of a someone cocking a gun echoed throughout the room. Only it wasn't Wonho's.

"Drop it. Now."

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