Ch.6: Flawed Plan

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Jungkook POV

Its as if everything went in slow motion as I squeezed the trigger intending on ending her life with a single shot. Taehyung just couldn't let me do that. He just had to grab onto my wrist, changing the trajectory of my shot in the process. The bullet lodged into her shoulder instead of between her eyes, causing the people around her to scream and panic while her body fell to the ground. Jin picked her up from the ground, running inside to safety before I can make a second shot. I felt my blood boil in my veins as I turned to the dumbass that is my friend with a scowl.

"Kim Taehyung what the actual fuck do you think you are doing!", I sneered getting in his face. "I couldn't let you do it." His mumbling only filled my anger even more wanting to punch him in his face.

"Tae if it's one thing I can't tolerate it's missing out on a good check. And you, my friend, have just fucked that up for me! You can't save everyone in this world and you know that.", I stated and he smirked causing me to grab hold of his jacket.

"I can save someone if I know they don't deserve to die. If you killed her that would make you no better than the asshole who took you all those years ago.", He replied pushing away from him. I clenched my jaw before throwing a punch to his cheek causing him to stumble. He glared up at me before tackling me to the ground and landing a few punches to my face. I punched him in his side and I kicked him off of me before holding up my fists awaiting his next move. He ran towards me, headbutting my stomach causing me to double over with a sharp pain running up my body. I elbowed him in the back as I brought my knee up to connect with his face. He staggered away from me, giving me time to retrieve my gun and holding him at gunpoint.

"Fuck off Taehyung!", I snapped while he wiped the blood off of his face. I moved towards him before grabbing his jacket once more as we glared each other down. I rolled my eyes and I let him go before stomping to my car and driving off. Leaving him standing alone in the parking deck. I felt guilt rush through my veins as I took one last look at Taehyung in my rearview mirror before heading back to my apartment.

"Fuck! Fucking shit!", I yelled while hitting the steering wheel as I pulled into the parking lot. I angrily got out of my car and quickly went up to my apartment. I slammed my door before I slid down the wall with tears threatening to roll down my cheeks.

"Kim Taehyung. WHY NOW!?", I questioned while thinking of the missed opportunity.

"Why are you like this?", I mumbled remembering how he was always to angel between us. The one who convinced me not to do half the mischievous shit I could've done. Why'd he have to show up now? I have to leave this place. Just for awhile until things around here settle down. I shook my head as I got up to pack the few things I had in my possession. My wallet, my safe box with the cash I don't use, and my cellphone. I slung the bag over my shoulder intending on going off the radar for a bit until things die down. As I stepped into the hallway two police officers attempted to get my attention.

"Sir can we ask you a couple of questions?", one officer asked me and I nodded with a straight face.

"We're just going around asking people about the shooting at the main office building at Lee Intercorps." I kept my straight face as I told them that I didn't know anything. I moved to walk away before one of the officers called to stop me.

"Sir do you have a license for that concealed weapon?", he asked and I looked down to see the handle of my pistol peaking from my holster. I remained silent as the two officers approached me, each with a single hand resting on their weapon. "We're gonna have to see a license sir." One moved to grab my shoulder and I twisted his arm while the other officer moved to put me in a headlock. I kicked him to the ground before letting go of the officer and dashing down the hallway.

"We have a suspect on foot. Send backup to the sunset apartment building asap.", I heard one of them say into their walkie talkie. I ran through a group of cleaning service women causing them to squeal. I jumped through the second floor window landing on a car below, and took off into a nearby alleyway that led to the beach. I managed to lose the foot patrol as I ran across the beach side towards a small house by the dock. Once I reached the house I scanned my surroundings and made my way inside.

"Honey is that you?" a soft vice asked and I rested my hand on my gun. She turned the corner before dropping the bowl she had in her hands causing it to shatter in pieces. She went to scream and I pulled the weapon aiming between her eyes. A few minutes later a male walked in the kitchen because of the commotion.

"Babe what's goin-", he started before he caught sight of me and pushed her shaking form behind him protectively. "Who the hell are you?"

"I just need a place to hide out for awhile." If they didn't want to comply I could just kill them both and do it anyway. But a small part of me wished they would allow me to stay. I don't need anymore blood on my hands right now.

"What did you do?", the man asked me and I sighed. "Got into a small altercation with the police." I decided to keep the job thing quiet since they were strangers.

"Yeah I know what that's like. You can stay but put that thing away. You're scaring my fiance.", he told me and I looked at her frightened eyes before putting the gun back in the holster. He outstretched his hand and I eyed him suspiciously ready for a fight. "I'll hold onto it. We're letting you hide out here so the most you can do is give me to gun. For our safety."

I clenched my jaw as I handed him the gun. He took the weapon and placed it in his bedroom leaving me standing quietly with his fiance. My eyes trailed down to her slightly swollen belly and I chuckled.

"You plan on raising a kid here? In a town like this?", I questioned and she nodded rubbing her belly.

"That's why we're on the beach. So that they can be away from everything for now.", she replied and my eyes widened. Twins. "There is a bed in the guest room. You can stay there for now."

I nodded before walking to guest room she told me about and falling onto the bed to catch my breath. I'll just lay low here until I figure out what to do about the girl.


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