Ch.2 New Target

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Jungkook POV

I sat shirtless on my bed as I looked over the map in my hands trying to figure out where I'm going to go for the next few days. My phone began to ring snapping me out of my thoughts causing me to toss the ma onto the bed. I looked at the caller ID and smirked as the private name tag flashed across my screen.


"We got a new job for you.", the voice said.

"Already? That was faster than I thought it would be.", I said walking to the kitchen.

"You are cocky. But getting straight down to business I think you might appreciate this new task.", He told me as I downed a shot of whiskey.

"Really now? And why do you think that is?", I asked arching my eyebrow. He remained silent on the line but I could hear the shuffling sounds of papers.

"You're needed to terminate a young woman this time. Lee Soo Jin. 19 years old. Turns out the old man had a daughter. One last kin to get the company. Word got out on the news about her taking over the company. The boss doesn't like that and wants her taken care of.", he explained to me and I tilted my head.

"They're actually gonna let a 19 years old girl run a company this big?", I questioned amused causing him to chuckle.

"So we got a face?", I asked him pouring myself another drink and he let out a defeated sigh.

"So I have to kill a chick when I don't even know what she looks like? That's fucking perfect.", I chuckled and he blew smoke into the speaker.

"Yeah I know but for the price offered it wouldn't take you long to figure that out.", He stated and I smiled knowing I can't turn down a paycheck.

"How much?", I asked bringing the glass to my lips.

"$75,000.", he told me and I nearly choked on the alcohol going down the wrong pipe. I could hear him laughing on the other end of the line as the alcohol left a burning trail down my throat.

"Are you serious? I've never been offered that much. But why is the price so high?.", I asked.

"You've never been one to question a offer.", he laughed.

"You're right but my question still stand.", I stated and he blew smoke into the speaker once more.

"She's the last known person to take control over the company and all its assets. If she's in the way then the boss won't be able to take over and become the richest man in Korea.", he explained to me and I nodded.

"I'm gonna need a drink after soaking up this information.", I chuckled.

"Take your time. The boss doesn't want her taken out so quickly. He wants her to build up on the company before he snatches it from under her.", he told me and I scoffed.

"Just keep me posted on when he wants me to finish the job.", I said as I slipped on my shirt. I looked at my phone as Soo Jin's file was received and downloaded.

"You got it J. Good luck.", He said before hanging up. I threw on my leather jacket as I walked out the door. Since I wasn't in a rush to go in for the kill I decided to just la low for now. What better place than a club. Probably bring a girl home and relieve some stress for the rest of the night. I got in my car and started on my way to the livest club in town. Once I arrived I had already scouted out a few girls to have sex with for tonight. I walked inside to be greeted by loud music and the heavy scent of alcohol.

"I think I'll get me a drink before I pick one out.", I smirked as I made my way to the bar.

Soo Jin POV

I twirled the glass in my hand as the music blared in my ear drums. After finishing up my father's office I had decided to take a break by coming here for a few drinks. Once I finished my drink the bartender came by with another filled glass.

"But I didn't order this.", I told him.

"The gentleman over there bought it for you.", He smiled pointing at a man sitting on the opposite side of the bar. He sent me a smirk before raising his glass causing me to blush. I put the glass to my lips before tilting my head. He took the hint and made his way over to me before taking the seat next to me.

"Hey there.", he smirked and I giggled as the alcohol began to take affect.

"Hi.", I replied setting the glass on the counter.

"What's your name?", he asked and I blushed.

"Zae.", I lied not wanting to give my real name to a complete stranger. Although I might end up leaving with him.

"Well then Zae, I'm Jungkook.", He told me finishing his drink. "So what brings you here tonight?"

"Promotion at work. Thought I'd celebrate a little.", I said with a smile. "Although I was expecting someone to buy me a drink tonight."

"Oh really? Well then I guess I'm a lucky guy huh?", he asked as a smirk made its way to his lips. I could feel a pool of heat gather in between my thighs. There's something dangerous about this man and I should be cautious but he's just so captivating.

"Did you expect to celebrate alone?", he asked me and I gave a small nod.

"I did but I think I can make an exception.", I told him as I finished my drink.

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