Ch. 7: New Ally

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Soo Jin POV

My eyes fluttered from the shock of being shot and Jin kept applying pressure to the wound in my shoulder. Pain shot up my entire arm and I clenched my jaw trying not to scream out. He had yelled for someone to call an ambulance a few minutes ago while the offices were in an uproar. People screaming and scattering everywhere causing me to lose my focus. "Soo Jin stay awake!", Jin shouted as the paramedics rushed in.

"That was quick.", I mumbled slipping in and out of unconsciousness. I was lifted onto the stretcher before being wheeled out to the ambulance. Jin rode as the second passenger as the medics tended to the wound. It felt like hours went by as the vehicle quickly raced to the hospital so I could get more medical attention. Once we arrived I was wheeled into the operation room to get the bullet removed from my shoulder. They put me under the gas and the last thing I remember is the doctor telling me that I was going to be alright.  

 2 Months Later

I squeezed my eyes shut before they fluttered open looking around a white room. The sounds of beeping machines and the television reached my ears as I grimaced at the sunlight beaming through the curtains. My body seemed weak but I was strong enough for me to it up. When I actually took the time to look down at myself my shoulder was bandaged up and I had an IV in my arm. I looked around to take in my surroundings and I noticed Jin sitting in a chair by the door next to a man that I haven't seen before. My arm brushed my stomach and my eyes widened at the small bump forming. I gasped as I began to panic accidentally waking up Jin and the mystery man as they rushed to my side.

"Soo Jin its okay. Calm down." Jin told me holding my shoulders. I took a deep breath as I looked down at my stomach and Jin sighed. "I'm sure it's from that one night stand you had told me about. A few weeks after I brought you in the nurse ran a blood test on you and told me that you were indeed expecting."

"The m-man who's trying to k-kill me, you're telling me that I-I'm carrying his baby.", I stuttered and Jin gave me a apologetic look. "Yes."

"This can't b-be happening.", I mumbled as tears began to roll down my cheeks. "How long have I b-been?"

"Two months.", he replied and I nodded. The door opened to reveal the nurse who had a look of shock on her face. "You're awake Ms. Jin. How are you feeling?"

"I-I'm fine.", I said and she took my temperature. "Try not to speak so much okay. You're brain is still trying to catch up with everything. I'll go get the doctor alright." After a quick smile she walked out of the room leaving the three of us in silence. Wait, there are three of us.

"Who is-"

"This is Kim Taehyung. He's a friend of Jungkook's.", he told me and I frowned at the name. "The hit man."

"I'm sorry for what he's trying to do. He's become so entangled in his job he can't even tell right from wrong.", he told me with a frown. He pulled up a chair next to me as I eyed him cautiously. He held up a hand to show that he wasn't a threat to me or Jin. "I came here to make sure you were alright."

"Taehyung is the reason you're not dead. Messed up his aim at the last second.", Jin explained and I nodded. "Where is he now?"

"In hiding. But knowing his stubborn ass he'll come back to finish the job.", he told me.

"But she's preg-"

"It doesn't matter if she pregnant or not. He's killed families before Seokjin. Both children and parents.", Taehyung continued.

"But what if he finds out it's his?", I asked as he let out a sigh. "Even I don't know what he'll do then. He might change his mind, he might not. He's grown to be a little shit now."

"Why did you s-save me?", I questioned further and he bit his lip. "Because you didn't do anything wrong. You weren't even meant to be in this situation to begin with. Killing your dad was supposed to be the end of it. But then you showed up throwing the entire town in a loop. Especially the guy who paid to have your dad killed."

I stared down at my hands and they shook and twitched under my gaze. "Soo Jin I'm here if you need anything." I looked over to see Jin's reassuring smile.

"I'll do what I can. Might not know where he'll start but I stopped him before, I can do it again.", Taehyung said to me and I nodded quietly when the door opened to show a doctor's smiling face.

"Glad to see you're finally awake Ms. Jin. Now let's check your blood levels." He then proceeded to record my blood sugar levels, heart rate and everything else a doctor is supposed to check.

"Now Ms. Jin, the police will be here any minute to ask you some questions is that okay?", he asked me and I nodded slowly. He gave a small smile before looking through the pages of his clipboard. "Everything seems to check out Ms. Jin. Your baby is healthy and so are you. I'll get nurse to bring you lunch." After that statement he left the room and Taehyung took a deep breath.

"I should get going. See if I can find Jungkook.", He told us and I frowned. "I thought you were going to stay and talk about what I could do?"

"Maybe later. Right now isn't a good time.", he said backing away towards the door with a simple smile. He put his hood on his head as he walked out of the room a few seconds before two officers walked into the room. They gave small nods before I took a small breath, ready to answer any questions they had for me.

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