Ch. 10: Unexpected

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Soo Jin POV

I stacked the papers on my desk with an exhausted sigh as Jin handed me a cup of hot chocolate with a small smile. "How you holding up?" I shrugged my shoulders as I rested my chin on my fist. "Good I guess. Sorting through files and more files. I've only been out the hospital one day and I already feel overwhelmed."

"Yeah I know it can get hectic. But on a good note there has been a high rise in sales from Seoul all the way to Busan.", He told me and I grinned, proud of myself. "Do you need anything?"

"No I just have to use the restroom.", I said getting up. I brushed over my small bump with my hand as I made my way out of the office. A small clicking noise caught my attention but I quickly dismissed it and continued on to the bathroom. After doing my business I washed my hands and walked out where Jin was waiting for me. "You didn't have to wait up. I was coming right-" The sound of a gunshot followed by screaming cut me off and we exchanged worried looks before he set his clipboard down. "Wait here.", he whispered creeping towards the corner to peek around to the front desk. "Where is she!?" The voice barked out and I held onto my stomach as my motherly instincts kicked in. Jin rushed to my side, pulling my hand before heading to the back door with me behind him. He pushed me out the door as the intruder turned the corner with narrowed eyes. "Run Soo Jin. Go now go." I ran towards the crowds as he ran towards the gun wielding man. They wrestled around for awhile until Jin was knocked unconscious.

"Come back Jinnie. I have unfinished business to take care of.", he called after me as I evaded the people covering the streets. I heard warning shots being fired into the sky above. I refused to look back. I have to keep running. I heard the police stop him, giving a chance to get away from him. Because I wasn't watching where exactly I was running I bumped into a hard chest. Their arms held onto me to keep us from falling. I was about to thank the man until I realized I was in the arms of Jeon Jungkook. NO. I pushed out of his grasp and once again ran for my life. I didn't know where I was running but I couldn't stop. I can't. I dashed and dodged the people in my way before making a quick turn down an alley. Only thing I didn't count on was the dead end. "Shit." I turned to my right attempting to push the locked door but no luck. I turned to watch Jungkook stalk towards me with a pained expression as if he's fighting an internal battle. My back hit the wall and I began to panic. "Don't do this, please. You can't." My arms wrapped around my stomach doing my best to protect my baby. "I have to. I don't have a choice." My eyes squeezed shut expecting this to be my last few seconds alive. I'm really going to die.

The bang was heard and the flash was seen, as usual, but something was different this time. I didn't feel any pain, nor did I feel any blood. I forced my eyes open to see a body shielding my own. Jungkook's eyes were wide with fear and guilt as my savior hit the ground with a thud. My body froze while my eyes scanned the bloodied body of Kim Taehyung. A shaky sob erupted from me as I knelt down next to him.

"Taehyung!", I shouted holding him in my arms. I placed my hand on his chest trying my best to stop the bleeding. "Why did you-" He breaths were quick as he mumbled the same word to me.

"Run." I shook my head as Yugyeom turned the corner with a sadistic smirk. "Run." I reluctantly laid him flat on the ground before running away from the scene. I wanted to look back but I couldn't. I wanted to help Taehyung but I can't. With two people trying to kill me being back there I had not choice but to run.

Jungkook POV

My body went numb while I stared wide eyed at Taehyung. The guy I recognized as Yugyeom brushed past me with a scowl. "You let the bitch get away." He went after her but I remain glued to my spot. I urged my feet to move towards Taehyung, falling to my knees to pulling him into my arms. "Tae-. Why would you do that?" I couldn't stop my tears from falling as he coughed up blood.

"I h-had to save h-her. Sh-she's...." I held his bloodied hand tight as a smile appeared on his lips. "Remember how you almost got hit by that car when we were younger." I shook my head as a small grin plastered on my face. "Yeah you pushed me out of the way and took the hit." He let out a small chuckle, looking me dead in the eye grabbing onto my jacket.

"You can't kill her.", he mumbled and I sighed at his requests. "Tae I have to do this, my family-"

"She's pregnant.", He said before closing his eyes and going limp in my arms. I went wide eyed, trying to shake him awake. "Tae. Taehyung! What do you mean she's pregnant. Taehyung?!" I let out a strangled cry as I held him close to me, rocking back and forth. I rested my chin on his head as I remembered back to the first time I met Soo Jin. The club. The drinks. The one night we spent together. My phone ringing in my pocket brought me out of my thoughts. I answered the call with a short hello only to be replied to with a dark chuckle.

"You sound like shit." I frowned at the amused sound of Yoongi's voice. "What is it?"

"I have been informed by a reliable source that you haven't completed your job yet. That simply will not do now will it?"

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