Ch. 5: New Plans

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Jungkook POV

"Kim Taehyung what the fuck are you doing here?!", I frowned before his eyes fluttered closed leaving his body falling to the floor. I caught him as his body fell limp in my arms. "Shit." I lowered him onto the bed before sitting on the floor with my gun still my grasp. My mind wondered as Kim Taehyung, the best friend I was forced to leave behind, is here in my own apartment. I let out a sigh, suddenly thinking about our childhood and the moments we shared before everything went to shit. I heard a slight groan behind me and turned in time to see Taehyung sitting up while holding his head.

"You alive up there?", I asked still staring down at the floor. He remained quiet until I stood up to face him with my back leaned against the wall.

"Never thought I'd see you again.", he chuckled looking down at his hands. "What are you doing here?"

"On business. You?", I said with a dry voice. He continued looking everywhere around the room except at me. "I'm running."

"From what? You shouldn't have anything to run from?", I stated and at that moment he stared up at me with old eyes. Eyes I've never seen on him. "What do you know! Last time I checked you didn't want anything to do with me!", he screamed in my face with anger and pain that's been pushed away. I was shocked by his sudden outburst and crossed my arms.

"I did what was necessary to insure the safety of my family and you.", I said calmly. He seemed to not like my tone of voice.

"Family? Never thought I hear that word either.", he scoffed moving away from me. I clenched my jaw as I slowly made my way to take a seat on the bed.

"Tae-", I started, not knowing what to say to him. "What happened?"

"I've lost everyone Jungkook. That asshole of a father killed my sister and our own mother didn't care. I warned her. I WARNED HER! She didn't listen and now she's dead. The only family I have left is the asshole rooting in jail.", He explained trying to hold back his tears. I sighed before pulling him into a hug causing him to tense up. After a few seconds he reached his arms up to grab onto my jacket and cry. I let him cry as much as he needed to before I heard my phone vibrating on the nightstand. I ignored the call as I consoled my best friend while he cried in my shoulder. Once his sobs turned to quiet sniffles he pulled away and gave his best smile, wiping his face.

"I'm sorry. Tae I- I should've kept contact with you. I could've killed that asshole for you.", I scoffed before his head snapped up to look me in the face. "You'd really do that?"

"Of course. It's the least I can do.", I smiled as my phone began to ring again. I let out a sigh as I moved to finally answer it. "Yeah?"

"What's up with you? You didn't answer the first time?", the irritated voice asked. "Sorry had something important come up."

"Well I hope it's not too important. The boss needs the bitch taken out now. Have you seen the news?", he asked me and I frowned as I grabbed the tv remote. Her face flashed on the screen wearing a bright smile as she waved at the shouting crowd at the bottom of the steps.

"Lee Intercorps' new CEO Lee Soo Jin, who is the daughter of the late Lee Sumin, has decided to merge the company's two branches and she plans to open all investments internationally. These plans could possibly give the company the push it needs to become to top company in town. Will she be able to succeed?"

As the reporter talked on I quickly grabbed my gun before ending the call.

"Who is she?", Taehyung asked me and I tensed. I couldn't lie to him now.

"A target.", I said quietly but I couldn't turn around to face him. "What did she do?" I turned to see his wide eyes and I bit my lip.

"She took the job of CEO.", I mumbled and Taehyung stood up. "That's no reason to kill someone. She didn't even know what was going on." I didn't feel like arguing with him so I grabbed my pocket knife and made my way to the door. 

"Jungkook you can't do this she's innocent.", he argued and I sighed in aggravation. "Taehyung she knows who I am! She knows what I plan to do." I walked out of the apartment and out into the hall. For a second I debated whether or not to go apologize but I decided against it before making my way out of the building. I didn't realize Taehyung was right behind me until he got into the passenger seat of my car with a straight face.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?", I asked and he shrugged. "Figured if I stuck with you I'd stay discreet." I scoffed at his lame excuse before turning the key in the ignition. Once I pulled off I quickly made my way to the main office building hoping Tae wouldn't start to nag me.

"So you're really going to kill this girl?", he asked and I let out a sigh. "Yes."

"She didn't do anything wrong. You're taking away someone's family member.", he started and I came to a stop.

"Tae this is how I get by in life. If you didn't know. You think I care about that? She's just another paycheck to me. That's all.", I snapped and he frowned before staring out the window. When the light turned green I took off to the parking deck across from the main building and sat waiting for her to walk out of the door. While waiting I attached a silencer to my pistol and slid on my black gloves.

"Kook.", Tae started but I quickly cut him off.

"You can't talk me out of this Tae.", I said getting out to stand by the edge. Tae stood next to me in silence as I watched the world in action. The children walking with their parents, Cars driving by, and the birds flying in the sky above.

"Jungkook. Don't do this to someone who's innocent.", Tae warned and ignored him. I clenched my jaw when I saw her walk out of the building with a straight face and I took my aim. Its as if everything went in slow motion as I squeezed the trigger.

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