Chapter 1

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My eyes shoot open when I hear the stupid 'life ruiner', as I like to call it, continues to beep VERY loudly. I turned the alarm off manage to convince myself to get out of the bed.

I walk into the kitchen to start breakfast but that was delayed due to the tiny footsteps I hear walking into the room.

My beautiful little girl Dotty comes up to me and wraps her arms around my leg.

"Morning mama," Dotty said in her little five-year-old voice which I find absolutely adorable.

"Good morning, monkey," I replied. "What would you like today, my love?"

"PANCAKES!!!!!" She screamed.

"Ok, Dots why don't you go watch cartoons while I make breakfast and then once that's done we have to go to the cafe,"

"Do we get to see Auntie Katie!?"


"YAY!!!" She screamed as she ran into the living room. She loves going with me to see my best friend Katie who helps me run my little cafe on Main Street. When I finish breakfast I call Dotty to the kitchen table to eat. Once we are both finished, we get dressed and make our way to my little cafe/bakery aptly named '(Y/N)'s Cafe'.


RING! The bell attached to the door sounds.

"Auntie Katie!!!" Dotty screams as she runs to Katie and engulphs her into a big hug.

"Hi my darling, how are you?" she asks.

"I'm good Auntie Katie," Dotty beams. Dotty loves Katie and always has ever since she was little.

"Hey bestie," she says to me with a smile.

"Likewise," I smile back to her. "so, are we ready to open?".

"Yup, breakfast sandwiches and pastries are ready and everything for the coffees and teas are ready as well." she replies.

"Good, then we are ready to open,".

Once we open the usual breakfast crowd comes and goes and then it slows down for the day. Katie and I start to talk, or really Katie talks about the latest celebrity gossip and I just listen and nod my head.

"So, do you know the new Avengers movie is being filmed a couple town away! I mean how exciting is it to have our little town being so close to a real film set!" Katie says practically jumping up and down.

"You know Katie, I have no idea how you find out these things or how you get so excited by them," I say to her giggling.

"How are you not getting excited by this, it's the Avengers one of the most successful film franchises ever!" she screeches.

"Wait, momma, the Avengers are here?" Dotty asks and I look at Katie with a 'see what you've done now' look.

"No, not here baby, but close," I say.

"Do you think they will come here and I can meet them?"

"I don't know, but it's always possible,"

"Okay," she says abruptly and goes back to playing with her toys.

I look at Katie and say, "See, now she going to be disappointed,"

"Sorry," she says with a smile. "But, you never know,".

"Yeah, like it's ever going to happen,".


It's around 3 o'clock in the afternoon when we finally have someone walk through the door. He was around 6 feet tall, built, and had sunglasses and a baseball cap on.

"Hi, what can I do for you, sir?" I ask him.

"Yeah, can I just a black coffee with two sugars, please?"

"Sure, we'll have that right out to you,"

While I'm making his coffee I feel Dotty tug on my pant legs. "What do need sweetheart?"

"Momma, can I have a picture with Captain America? He said I could if you said it was okay," she said.

"And where's Captian America, monkey?" I ask feeling a bit confused.

"He's right there momma!" she says in a 'duh' tone of voice while pointing to the guy whose coffee I'm making. When I look over to him he motions for us to come over, so I walk over with Dotty, my phone, and his coffee.

"Hi, here's your coffee sir," I say.

"Oh! Thank you and just call me Chris. So little one, do you still want that picture?"

"Yes please,"

"Ok," he says laughing. He takes of his baseball cap and sunglasses, and that's when I relize this is actually Captain American, like the real life Chris Evans that Katie goes on and on about. I pull out my phone just as he crouches down to Dotty and puts an arm around her.

"Ok guy, say cheese!"

"CHEESE!" they both say to the camera as I snap the picture. Once we're done Dotty thanks him, hugs him, and then runs off giggling.

"You have a cute kid, miss..."

"Oh, (Y/N). Just (Y/N)."

"Ok (Y/N), it's nice meeting you. I'll definitely be back for some of this amazing coffee," He says and walks out the door. All the while I stand there thinking, 'did that just really happen'.

Dear Lizzie - Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now