Chapter 16

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Avengers Assemble!

Scarlet Bitch was added into Avengers Assemble!

What do guys want?

Man with the plan

We want to apologize 

Red Head

Yeah, we're really sorry we had no idea that y/n was still in contact with Dotty's father

Tin Man

We feel really bad

Anger Issues


Bird Man


Hot Guy


Red Head


Man with the plan


Okay, fine apology accepted 

I'll also tell y/n and Ryan you're sorry as well 

Red Head

So how is everything

Are you and Ryan getting along?

Scarlet Bitch

We are! Y/n and him get along great. 

When y/n found out she was pregnant Ryan and her weren't exactly  together

But they're amazing co-parents and Ryan's girlfriend and y/n get along great too!

Tin Man

That's amazing 

Hot Guy

Wait what does Ryan's girlfriend look like?

Red Head

Seriously, Jeremy? She taken

Hot Gut

I'm just curious!

Scarlet Bitch

Scarlet Bitch

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Man with the plan

Wow she hot

Red Head


Scarlet Bitch


Man with the plan

I'm just stating the obvious

Anger Issues

Wait why are they at the Winter Soldier premiere?

Scarlet Bitch

Ryan and Chloe are on Agents of Shield

Don't you know anything about the company you work for?

Bird Man

Yeah come on Sexy Seabass

Anger Issues

Oh like you knew

Red Head


Tin Man


Man with the plan 


Hot Guy


Scarlet Bitch


Bird Man

You know I'm feeling really attacked right now

Red Head

Well get over it

Anger Issues

Yeah, come on Chocolatchino 

Bird Man 

I hate you all

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