Chapter 2

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Just FYI this is going to be a really short chapter. The next one will hopefully be longer.

After Dotty and I met Chris Evans she could not shut up about him, so she insisted on coming with me to work the next day in case he came with more of the 'Avengers'. So here I am in the cafe with Katie and my five-year-old playing on the floor, and looking at everyone who comes in. Katie and I've have not been working a lot today since it's a weekday and people are at work, but we come to attention when two people walk through the door.

"CAPTAIN AMERICA!" Dotty squeals as she runs to the man, who I recognize as Chris Evans from yesterday. "You came back!"

"Sure did Dotty. Your mom makes some of the best coffee I've ever had, and I'm not really a coffee guy," he says trying to make her laugh, and succeeds. "And, I brought a friend too," pointing to the woman next to him. She had long brown hair and green eyes that were just memorizing.

"Hi, are Scarlet Witch?" Dotty says shyly as she walks over to the woman.

The woman turns to Dotty and crouches down. "I am the Scarlet Witch, but I go by Lizzie, and it's really nice to meet you Dotty,"

"It's nice to meet you too. Can I get a picture with like I did with Captain America please?"

"Of course! As long if it's ok with your mom," at this point she turns to look at me.

"Yeah, sure," I say under my breath nervously. I grab my phone as the woman and Dotty get into position for the picture. "Alright, say cheese!".

"Cheese!" they both say, Dotty a bit louder than the Lizzie. Once I take the picture Dotty gives a big hug to Lizzie and goes back over where Chris is. I was looking at the picture of Dotty and Lizzie, and she really was memorizing. I was so caught up in the picture I didn't even realize that Lizzie was standing behind me looking at the picture as well.

"She's a really cute kid," she says scaring me half to death.

"Jeez, you scared the crap out of me," I say as she just smiles at me.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you, but I think Dotty pretty great from the few minutes I spent with her,"

"Thanks, at least I'm doing something right," I say earnestly.

She furrowed her brows a bit and said, "What do you mean?".

"Well, I'm a single mom who runs her own business. So, needless to say, it can be bit hard on my own,"

"Well, if it means anything I think you are doing a great job," she says with a smile. "And, I'm surprised that you are doing this on your own, you should have men lining out the door to go out with you,"

Wait, is she flirting?

"Uh, thanks," I say while I blush nervously, and of course she just smiles; that beautiful smile. Wait, what?

"Hey do mind if you send that photo me? I love to post photos I take with fans, especially kids,"

"Y-yeah, sure," I stutter out and hand her my phone. While she's texting herself the photo of her and Dotty I continue to stare at her, till I realize that I probably look like a creep so I quickly look down. But, not before she notices, smiles like always, and hands me back my phone. "Thanks..... uh sorry I don't even know your name,".

"(Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N),"

"(Y/N)," she says like she's contemplating something. "I like that, a beautiful name for a beautiful woman,"

"Hey Lizzie, we need to back to set," Chris calls over still talking to Dotty. I tried to hide the disappointment on my face, but it didn't work.

She turned back to me and said, "Don't worry (Y/N), I'll be back soon,". As she's about to walk out with Chris after saying goodbye to Dotty, she turns back to me and winks. And then she's out the door leaving me dumbfounded.

A few minutes later I hear someone come through the front door only to see Katie.

"You will NEVER believe what just happened!".

Dear Lizzie - Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now