Chapter 10

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Real Life

"Are you sure about this baby?" Lizzie asked.

"Yes, I am sure I want to meet your friends, I mean you've met Katie so think it's only fair. And when have started calling me baby," I said with a smile towards the end.

"I don't know I guess I just started. Do you not want me to because I know we been moving relatively fast so I don't want to freak you out,"

"Lizzie," I said touching her face trying to comfort her. "I like that we're moving fast it feels right, and I don't if you call me baby. I actually like it when you do," I say putting a smile on her face.

"Thank goodness," she said grabbing my face and pulling me into a kiss. It wasn't hard or force but sweet and slow and full of passion. I started to run my hands up and down her arms then coming to a stop at her hips. Her being the one to go a little further she one of her arms around my neck as if she was afraid that I was going to go somewhere. Her other hand went further down to rest on my butt. It felt perfect and I could tell she felt the same way. Neither one of us wanted to pull away but unfortunately, we came up for air.

"Wow," we say simultaneously which the makes us giggle.

Just as I was about to go back in for another make-out session I hear the sound of patters made by little feet. "Momma! People are here. What's so funny?"

"Nothing monkey," I say picking her up. "Ready to go meet new people,"

"Mmhmm," she said grinning from ear to ear.

"Well then, let's go!" I say excitedly while taking Lizzie hand.


Once Lizzie, Dotty, and I got down stairs Dotty was struggling to get out of my arms once she saw Chris.

"Chris!" She squealed.

"Hey kiddo, how are you doing!" He said picking her up into his arms.

"I'm doing fine,"

"That's great!" He said excitedly. "So I want to introduce you to some of my and Lizzie friends," he said as Lizzie pulls me to the group for the introductions.

"So this is Robert,"

"Ironman," Dotty said gleefully and everyone laughed.


"Black Widow,"


"The Winter Soldier but Captain America calls him Bucky," she said to the group as if they didn't know themselves.

Chris chuckled but he went on, "This is Anthony,"


Anthony or Falcon turned to me with a wide smile on his face and said, "She cute,"

"Yeah she is but I'm a bit biased," and the whole group laughed. Thought I was putting on a cool appearance but I was really nervous meeting Lizzie friends. Once Anthony told me he like Dotty I immediately calmed down.

"Hi I'm (Y/N) it's nice to meet everyone,"

"I'm pretty sure everyone will say the same to you," Robert said.

"Well, that's nice hear,"

"What were freaking out," Sebastian said.

"No she was actually pretty calm about everything," Lizzie interjected.

"Well I was little nervous but thankfully mostly about the food,"

"Don't worry about that babe you have no problem in that category," Lizzie said waving her hands to exaggerate the no problem part.

"Well hopefully you're right," I say. "Come on everyone lets eat," leading the way into the kitchen.

Dear Lizzie - Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now