Chapter 22

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Sorry, it's been taking me a while to write this one. 

But, here it is!!!!!!!!!


Since we've been back from vacation, everything is going amazingly. The cafe has been doing even better than it was before, introverted me made new friends with the cast of the Avengers, and Lizzie and I's relationship is spectacular. 

Even though everything is going so well, the down side is that Lizzie now has to do press for Civil War. Which means she going to be away for a month and a half.

"No!!! You can't leave Lizzie!" Dotty cries.

"Honey, I'm sorry I have too, but I'll call and face time just like your daddy does," Lizzie says as she consoles Dotty.

"You promise?"

"I promise,"


"Alright, I have to go, honey,"

"Bye," Dotty says as her lip trembles. My heart hurts because of Lizzie is leaving and Dotty is also sad because of it too. 

"I'll miss Lizzie,"

"I'll miss you too honey,"

After Dotty and Lizzie say goodbye, Lizzie turns to me with sad eyes and look at her with the same amount of sadness. 

"I'll miss you too baby," she says as she hugs me quickly to hide her tears.

"I'm gonna miss you too, but I knew what I was getting into when we started dating. I knew you were going to be away for long periods of time,". I pull her face out of my shoulder, "But it's gonna be okay,".

"I know it's gonna be, but I guess I wasn't ready to date you," she says and I raise my eyebrow. "I mean I guess I didn't think I miss everyone when I would leave,"

I look at her with so much love and she with me. She pulls my face to her's and we have a long and passionate kiss, till we hear a car horn and we pull away.

"That's Chris I guess," I say in a whisper.

"Yeah I bet it is," she says and looks at me with those sad eyes again. She then pulls me in for another hug, "I love you so much,"

"I love you too," I say, my voice cracking.

When she pulls away she walks towards the door and looks at me one last time before leaving.



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Bye Bye home.

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