Chapter 5

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Phone Call


"Katie, I need your help!"

"What do need? Aren't you suppose to be getting ready for your date with the Scarlet Witch?"

"First her name is Elizabeth. Second, the date is what I need help with. I have no idea what to wear."

"It's a date (Y/N), it's not that hard. Just pick out something cute,"

"It's not that hard to you! The last date I went on was like seven years ago,"

"Okay, do you want me to come over earlier than planned?"

"I thought that was the obvious reason I called,"

"Whatever weirdo give me 10 minutes,"

"Alright, bye,"


Real Life

(Y/N)'s POV

As I wait impatiently for Katie to come over I can't help but think about all the things that could wrong. Could it be all a joke that she was dared to do? Even if it wasn't, what if fall on my face? Why am I even nervous? I'm not gay. But, if I'm not why did I say yes to the date?  So many things were running through my mind I didn't here Katie come in the door til I heard her practically screaming my name and waving a hand in front of my face. 


"Yeah!" I say as I snap back to reality.

"Hey, are you going to be okay?"

"I think so. I think I'm psyching myself out because it's my first date in seven years and my first date with a woman,"

"Well don't. You'll be fine,"


"Okay," Katie says cheerfully. "let's pick out an outfit!"


Once Katie and I agreed on an outfit and she took Dotty to stay with her for the night, I was left alone with my thoughts again

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Once Katie and I agreed on an outfit and she took Dotty to stay with her for the night, I was left alone with my thoughts again. Please let this date go well. I really like Lizzie, more than I have liked person in a while. I was brought out of my thoughts again when I heard the doorbell ring.

"Here goes nothing," I say to myself.

As I walk over to the door I can hear my heart pounding in my chest, but it soon stopped when I opened the door to find Lizzie. There she was standing in a simple outfit that still made look gorgeous.

 There she was standing in a simple outfit that still made look gorgeous

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"Hey," she said quietly.


"Are you ready to go?"

"Yup!," I say happily trying to mask my nervousness.

"Okay, let's go!" she says with her beautiful smile.


Sorry, I know it's short, but I've been preparing for vacation. Hopefully, the next one will be longer.

 All the images are from Google.

Dear Lizzie - Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now