The talk

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Juliet says," I am sorry I have been such a bitch to you."
I smile and say," it's alright honestly I would be the same way. Andy and I are in the past completely. You don't have to worry about me. Maybe the fan girls."
Juliet laughs and says," I am so glad it's out in open now."
I point to Ronnie and Andy and says," What are they talking about?"
Craig grabs my hand and lays his head on my shoulder.
Juliet says," I don't really know actually. I thought that they hated each other. Is this your boyfriend?"
I smile and say," Yes this is Craig. He's the lead singer of escape the fate. Yeah that's what I was think."
Craig holds out his hand shaking Juliet's hand. Juliet says," You guys are so cute. I got to get going I have an album that's not going to write itself."
I say," Good luck," before she goes in to the bus.
Craig kisses my head and says," I am glad you two got that done with."
I see Andy walking towards us. I pull Craig in the other direction. I didn't want to talk to anyone let alone Ronnie or Andy.
Andy taps on my shoulder and says," Come on best friend are you ever going to forgive me?"
Craig rolls his eyes. I say," When I am ready. Why are you talking to Ronnie? Why did you purposely make your girlfriend hate me? You tried to tell me Craig was cheating on me."
Andy glares at me and says," She was going to find out eventually are you serious? I was talking Ronnie about you. He told me that when you are with this guy you are not yourself."
Craig puffs his chest and says," this guy?! Are you fucking kidding me?!"
I put my hand on Craig's chest and say," Let's go I am tired of this. Go fuck yourself Andy. I will never forgive you for trying to ruin my life. I need to know why."
Craig rolls his eyes and says," I invited you on this tour, Andy. You are punk you know that?"
Craig comes up chest to chest with Andy. I push him back and pull him away from Andy.
I feel my phone bing. I think god damn Andy love me alone. It read," Did he tell you Gabbys in town? Or that he saw her last night?"
I show Craig and say," is this true?"
Craig says," She's in town but I have not seen her. You can go through my phone if you want to."
I look as he hands me his phone nonchalantly. I open the phone easily and look at some of the messages. Craig stood there watching me look. Just then his phone vibrates. The name Gabby pops up.
I look at him raising my eyebrow. It says," God it was so amazing to see you last nightxxx. How's my daughter?"
I hit Craig's chest with his phone. Craig looks at me and says," Why would you do that?"
I say," It was so amazing to see you last night Craig kiss kiss. How's my daughter?"
Craig says," I swear on my daughter that I never saw her. She's a crazy pcyho bitch."
I run towards the bus trying not to cry. I open the bus door to see Lelia playing with Monte.
Max looks at me and says," What's wrong?
I cover my face and say," Craig saw Gabby last night and I think they hooked up. I am so done."
Max hugs me and says," Are you sure? Craig is really in to you. It seems hard to believe."
I nod and go gather my stuff. Max helps me. I say," I don't even have anywhere to go."
Lelia runs up to me and says," what's wrong ashley?"
I pat her head and hug her. I say," It's adult stuff sweetie. I am fine I promise you."
Lelia pokes her head up and says," Are you going to leave?"
I nod and say," I'll be back to visit you I promise."
Craig walks through the bus door and says," Ashley, I swear I never saw her."
I watch as Max grabs Lelia pulling her in to a separate room with Monte.
I put my hands up and say," Why would she lie Craig? I saw her at concert."
Craig looks in to my eyes and says," I have never and could never do that to you. Girl, you got me feeling a way I have never felt."
His phone is blowing up making loud binging noises.
I say," I just need a break. I can't help but to feel like I'll always be second best to her because you have a kid with her."
Craig rolls his eyes and says," Don't you think that's a tad hypocritical? I had to fight to even get your attention. You probably only kissed me to make him jealous. Not only that your bestfriend still has a thing for you. I am tired of fighting so hard to love you."
Those words hurt me more than they should have. Maybe there was some truth to it? Why did I kiss Craig so soon? Was I really that desperate for love?
I snapped myself out it and said," Well maybe I should just go if you are so tired. I really really liked you Craig. I guess I always just fuck things up for everyone."
Max helps me carry my stuff as I look back one more time see Craig's face destroyed. He looked so distraught. I couldn't help but too feel like he did see Gabby.
I didn't get to say goodbye to Lelia. It's probably better that way so I don't confuse the poor girl. I pick up my phone and Dial Austins number.
He picks up and says," What's up? It's almost one in the morning."
I feel the tears fall as I go closer to the rest of the buses. I say," Craig and I broke up. Can I come stay with you?"
Austin doesn't hesitate when he says," of course you can are you alone?"
I speak softly," No Max is helping carrying my stuff."
We hung up shortly after. Max rubs my back and says," Craig didn't mean any of it. Do you want me to stay for a while?"
I shake my head as we get to the of mice and men bus. I say," It's fine Max I love you. I just want to make sure that Craig will be happy. It probably just wasn't meant to be."
Max says," I don't know about that."
Austin helps Max and I load up his bus with all my stuff.
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