The Trigger For My Dear Juliet

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I look at my phone and still see the text that makes me heart pound. Ashley hits me in the head with hand as he walked by to go in to Jinx's room. I look up to see the handsome Andy Biersack worried about me. I look up at him and say," Why did Juliet leave?" Andy scoffs and says," She said something about how I always help you. She also said she's go to move on in her career. She been like texting me nonstop." I laugh and say," Women! I don't know why she hates me. Speaking of awkward texts, Ronnie texted me last night apologizing."

Andy's POV

Just then I saw it in Ashley's eyes, she wanted to give Ronnie another chance. I really don't get it at all. Craig is actually in to her and she wants that asshole. Just then she snaps her fingers at me, I softly say," I ..... I don't think you should text him back. Let's go out to lunch?' I left her there with hurt eyes by the statement I just said. She followed me through all the bunks to come with me to ask the bus driver where our first stop is. I do not know what to do or say for her, I just remember all the stormy night when we ended up cuddling because Ronnie was out with some slut.
Ashley's POV
My best friend Andy is always in deep thought. I wonder if he know that I know exactly what he is thinking. He asks the bus driving and we are heading to California first. We were just 2 hours away and he would stop anywhere he saw on the way there. I texted Ronnie back, " why do you have to keep doing this over and over again?" I was bored so I went into the room to watch television. The boys were playing loudly in the den area. Jinx came and pushed my door open sightly. I laugh and say, " What's up?" His smile lit up my room and he said, " I got tired of playing video games and we are 45 minutes away now." Craig texted me, " What's up buttercup?" I leaned in to Jinx and said, "
Can I ask you something serious?" Jinx's seemed to deepen with empathy and he spoke up, " Yes." I look at him and say, " Would you give your ex another chance after she treated you so badly?" Jinx smirks and says, " I wouldn't. Especially if I was gorgeous like you. Craig really seemed to have an interest in you. What was that kiss about?" I blush and grab my stuff animal. I look up slightly and say, " I know, but I can't help feeling like Ronnie and I have something." Ashley knocks on the door loudly and interrupted our deep conversation. Ashley lead us to the front of the bus where we see that we are at the grounds.
I look around quickly and drag Ashley to a food court. Ashley looks at me and says, " Damn women. What food do you want?" I order me a pizza, pretzel, and a soda. Ashley looks at me eating and laughs histerally. I grab my phone and text Craig, "We are on the grounds, loverboy?"
Craig taps my shoulders and says, " Hey girl." Ashley laughs at my quick response to shake at Craig's hands. Ashley awkward gets up and says," I guess I'll let you guys get to it." I stick out my tongue at him as he mocks kiss as he runs off. Craig pulls up a chair next to me and says," Hey gorgeous, I am almost done with everything today. Would you like to come watch stars with me?" I smile at him and say," I would love to Craig. Would you please walk me back towards my bus?" He laughs and says," of course I will." I throw my stuff away and follow after Craig as we walk towards my bus. As we approach the bus, I see Ronnie waiting for me. Andy looks at me worried. I walk up to him and Craig walks in the different direction. Ronnie looks for my eyes and says," I want to talk to you." I look at him and breathe," Ok. Let's go in the bus." Andy leaves in disappointment for me. Ronnie and me walk back the bus and sit on the bed. I look at him and say," What do you want Radke?" Ronnie looks at me with those beautiful brown eyes and says," I can't shake the feeling I have for you Ashley . You are all I think about." I sigh and say," Ronnie , I don't know. We are already tried this." He kisses me passionately and grabs on to my hair. I pull away ,breathe less and say," What was that for?"
Questions for you
Why do you think Ronnie kissed her?
Do you think that this will ruin what her and Craig have? 💕❤️😍😘😻

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