Life Medicine

75 17 6

You've chosen not to speak?


All I did was try and be the best that I could be.

To you, my abilities are only designed to take a number and wait in the long line of potential -

the one that eventually gets stomped on and trashed by the world.

I was never anything special to you.

I was just a useless cloth of  existence

that should be forced to follow Society's
ugly rules.

To you, I never will gain the knowledge that Society says I need to survive in this life.

You think I'll never figure it out.

I refuse to swallow your game that a player can only lose at.

You've still chosen not to speak?

Fine -

but I think you need a strong dose of life medicine.

Maybe that'll heal you of your unwell senses,

and release the goodness cells into your emotions.

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