7th Letter

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Dear Suicide,

It's been a long, long time since I've written a letter about you and your ways.
When life gets hard - really hard,
you find a way to sneak into my thoughts.
You're very strategic with me.
You wait until I'm good and tired;
when life has cast a shameful shadow of isolation upon me.
Then, you make your move.

You try to persuade me to believe in you.
"Your life is empty anyways," you say.
"You might as well just take the initiative to end it."

You repeat this until you make my stomach churn with a bewildered being.
You try and reel me in.
When you don't receive the response that you want from me,
You force me to question my reasons for being here, when my importance seems to be lost.
You shouldn't question anyone.
I would appreciate it if you distanced yourself...permanently.

Sincerely, X

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