I will always love you

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Author's note: I don't own the song lyrics in this story, the song belongs to My Chemical Romance.

I knew he was playing with my hair, even though I was half asleep. "Will you sing for me?" I mumbled. My head rested on his shoulder and I wrapped my arms a little tighter around his waist. "You know that I can't sing" he chuckled. "Please" I begged using my award winning puppy dog eyes to persuade him. "Okay, what do you want me to sing?" He stroked the few strands of hair that covered my eyes and tucked them behind my ear. I just smiled and mouthed 'you know'. He smiled and kissed my forehead, then he started singing. "So long to all my friends every one of them met tragic ends. With every passing day, I'd be lying if I didn't say, that I miss them all tonight and if they only knew what I would say if I could be with you tonight, I would sing you to sleep, never let them take the light behind your eyes, one day I'll lose this fight as we fade in the dark just remember you will always burn as bright" his voice was beyond beautiful and I just wanted this moment to last forever. His voice started to fade and I fell asleep.

That day with him was one of the best days of my life. I want to relive that day over and over again. All I want is you, holding me tight in your arms and hearing you say that you love me and I want to answer that I love you too.

Things have changed since you left... Today was just like every other day, a living hell. The stupid jocks at school keep shoving people into lockers, to them it seems like a great idea. It's not even close to good, it's ridicoulus.

My family haven't gotten any better over the years. My so called family is just one huge mess, my mother screams at me for making the smallest mistake and my father is drunk and angry all the time. I must have done horrible things in my past life to deserve the hell I have in this one.

I walk through the heavy iron gate to the cemetery while the sun disappear behind dark clouds. I heard that it was going to rain today... not that I really care anymore. But I know that you would, you would have told me to put on more clothes so that I wouldn't catch a cold. I would get annoyed and you would give me that look you always gave me when I didn't care about my health. Then you would have taken off your jacket and handed it to me. But like the stubborn guy I am I would refuse to put it on, then it was your turn to get annoyed.

Your tombstone looks different today. It looks like it has changed colour since I last saw it. It somehow seems darker. I come here as often as I can, praying that you will come back, that you never died. Why was it you that suffered? You were so much better than everyone else I have ever known. It's not fair that you had to die so young!

I would gladly have taken your place. You deserved to live your life. You should have been here, alive, not me. You should have been here, living your life, fulfilling your wildest dreams. I miss you every second of each day and a lot of the time it feels like I'm choking.

I never told anyone about us and strangely enough you were fine with that. You were special, amazing in every way. Your smile could melt any heart, even one made out of stone. You even managed to make me laugh when I was at my lowest. I will be forever grateful for the amazing moments we had together.

It took me a while to realise that I've fallen to my knees, no longer able to control my sobs. "Please... please come back" I whisper. I'm well aware that you can't hear me, but I still need to say it. Knowing that you never can come back to me hurts like hell. The rain is pouring down and it almost seems like the sky is crying with me.

"I will always love you..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2019 ⏰

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