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Donghae's POV

It was 2 years ago since the demise of my father. That was the saddest moment of my life. Losing him is an ineffable grief.

He was selfless. All throughout his life, he diligently looked after us while sacrificing his own welfare.

I regretted that I didn't get the chance to take care of my father that's why I promised to myself that I'll take care of my loved ones the way my father took care of us.

Just as I thought that I was giving my best on taking care of my loved ones, another unpleasant news arrived a year after my father's death.

My close friend Eunice is dying and she only have less than a year to live.

She was my first friend when our family moved to Seoul. Most of my memories in Seoul, she is included in it. When my father died, she didn't leave my side until I'm finally alright.

Why it has to be her? I was so frustrated back then.


"Uljima." Don't cry. She still cares for me even if it is her that should be taken care of.

I held her hand while holding my tears. "You're a tough girl, right? I know you'll overcome this. I still want to see you walk down the aisle years from now."

She managed to flash her signature gummy smile that unbelievably made lots of guys swoon over her.

"Donghae, can you do me a favor?"

"What was it?"

"Please... Please don't let Chanyeol know about this."

. . .

Today's a weekday but I don't have classes. I thought of seeing Dara but she told me that she'll be busy for their outreach program. I decided to just visit Eunice instead.

My and Eunice's family were neighbors before but due to financial problem, her family decided to move to a small apartment in Itaewon. We didn't lose contact, Itaewon and Euljiro (where my family lives) are both in Seoul anyway.

"Oh! You're here!"

"I suddenly missed my monkey in fedora that's why I'm here." I tried to hide my laughter.

"Ha ha ha. So funny." I saw her rolling her eyes.

I was about to give her a hug to bring back the smile on her face but she refused it.

"Why are you suddenly so touchy-feely, you fish?" She looked at me from head to toe. "Hmmm. You seemed to be extremely happy. Is it because of Dara?"

I let out a huge smile and nodded.

"Jinjja? Omo! I knew it!" She tickled my waist. "Tell me what happened.

I told her that Dara and I had a date in Namsan Tower. That I pretended to have fear of heights to take advantage of the situation. That even if my legs are already numb, I still chose to carry Dara because I want to. That if only I could freeze time, I'll do it so I can be with her much longer.

"Woah! I'm so proud of you! Good job!" She gave a slow clap but there's silence after. I saw the sadness in her eyes.

"You miss him?"

She nodded as her eyes misted over.

"You should give him a chance to take care of you."

"Shiro." She answered without a second thought.

"He already knows that you're sick."

"But he still does not know that I'm dying."

"Until when will you keep this a secret?"

"Until my last breath."

"Aish! It's so hot in here! Do you want to go outside?" I tried to change the topic while holding back my tears.

We went outside and sat on one of the benches. I was thinking of things to talk about to lighten up the mood but she has already thought of something.

"I'll pretend to be Dara. Do whatever you want. I can be your guinea pig so winning her heart is a sure thing." She snuggled up to me.

"Ahh! Ahh! Your bones are hurting me!"

"Aish!" She unwrapped her arms from me.

"Hmmm... Dara, will you be my girl?"

"It's a yes if you'll do an aegyo for me."


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She gaped. "Woah! You got me there!"

"I'll ask you again. Will you be my girl?"

"I may be too fast but, let's get married?"

"That's faster than Mayweather running."

We laughed so hard we both snorted.

. . .

It's been forever since my last update. I'll be uploading two chapters for today (this and chapter 14) as my token of apology. 🙃😊

PS: I decided to remove Lee Hyuk Jae in the cast. I just felt that the Eunice's character does not suit Hyukjae even if I'll turn him into a girl. I'll just let your imagination decide who'll be Eunice. 😉

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