Part 1

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Hey,i've never before wrote a story,so don't mind me. Either my English isn't perfect,sorry,i hope that you will understand. I don't want to bother you anymore,so let's begin.

Sakura's P.O.V.

'OI,SAKURA CHAN!! WHAT'S UP?!' *Hugs her tight.* Oh man,not again.  'Naruto,get off of me now!' God,he is so annoying. 'Oh sorry Sakura-chan' I smiled lightly. 'Never mind'. He said something,but i wasn't listening. It was like: Blah blah go to lunch with me blah blah i don't have money blah blah party blah.I think i should go on that party tonight,of course not with him,but with girls,they invited me anyway. I was so tired so i went home,to eat something and to gave some sleep. I woke up around 18:00 o' clock,and the party was in 21:00. I had just enough time to get ready. First i went to shower. When i finish everything in bathroom,i went upstairs in my room to get dressed. I didn't know what to wear so i just picked one tight,short black dress and pink heels,of course with my favorite pink bag. I put necklace,that Sasuke gave me that night when he was leaving the village. Yes,i still have some kind of feelings for him,but the most of that is just memories. I should have fun tonight,so i'm not gonna think about him anymore. My hair was in ponytail because i was to lazy to do something more with it. I either put some make up on. I was looking myself in tge mirror,when someone knocked on my door. I guessed it was girls. I hurryed (or however should i write that) downstairs and had a look on my mobile, it's already 20:30.


'I'm cominggg,ughh'

I opened the door,and saw just Ino and Hinata,i was surprised. 'Oh my God,you look so sexy!' , 'Yeah,you look pretty cool', 'Thank you guys,you two look nice too'. ' Well,shall we?' Ino asked,i just nodded. I asked them why Temari and Tenten aren't come,they said that thay will be there,at the party,waiting for us.

We finally arrived. It was a private party and i didn't know who was trowing it,but i knew that there would be many people who are older than me,but i didn't mind it. I was 16 and i didn't have my first kiss yet,but i'm not some kind of girl who wants to their first kiss be special or romantic,i just wanted to kiss someone,anybody, and have a good time. That why i'm actually going to this party.

There was a lot of people,but first one that i saw,was the one man in akatsuki cloak. I just stared at him for a while. He is sexy i could tell. 'He is so damn hot!' Ino said. I turned to her,and i saw that she is staring in the same guy. 'You have to hook up with him,you waited so much for something to happend about your first kiss,so there is your chance,just go and talk to him.' I glared at her with my mouth open. 'Ino,i don't know him and he is fucking akatsuki,and he is S rank criminal. I can't just go there and talk to him.' But,Ino is right,he is so damn hot. He somehow looks flirty,too much,maybe he is a man-whore? No,not a chance. He have 'that' look in his eyes. He is definitly perfect. If i can just put my hand on his red hair and kiss him,oh my God,i wouldn't stop ever! Back in the reality Ino is yelling at me. 'Why not?!' she glared at me. 'Okay,i'll try to talk with him,but nothing more!' Sadly,she knows when i'm lying (I don't know if it's writting like that,i was trying to say 'lie') . 'Yeah,right,we'll see' Ino said sarcasticly. I just wink at her and went to him.

**I know it's short,but i hope you like it. Please left a comment what you think about a first chapter,but please be honest. Oh,and yeah,i don't own Naruto. :) **

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