Khloe's POV

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"Oh thanks God its morning again"I get up from my bed and head to where my poodle laid asleep.I woke her up.I hate Mondays......
I call for Lucia,who is actually my favorite maid around.
"Good morning princess,how may I be of help?"she asked me
"Nothing much I'd just like you to prepare my lunch and my bath madame"..I actually have no guts to act suckily towards her cause she's Verenie's nanny who passed away when I was 10 😭😭😭
"Right away princess "she said and left for my bathroom. In the mean time I set my outfit ready....damn it school sucks except for the part I actually talk to Mike. After about 5minutes ...Lucia came from my bathroom
"Its all set beautiful princess" I love her smile
"Grazie mille" I thanked her and she left my room. It took me about 20 minutes to finish my bath.I did all I had to do and finally put on my white dress with its golden belt and a pair of golden flats...I made up my mind and decided to let my hair fall to my back though I still had a white band on. Then I took my white Madonna bag and kept my assignments.. Then I put on my white watch and two gold bracelets and my FSV charm bracelet that Vernie gave me for my birthday and I headed downstairs.
"Hi mom" I greeted my mom who was getting ready to leave for work. My mom owns a 5stars hotel in Rome.
"Hello darling ...are you ready?"
"Yes mom but I'm going to take my lunch from the kitchen then we'll be leaving pleas......"
"Your  lunch is in the car so let's just go" mom really likes interrupting my speeches anyways its OK. So mom and I headed outside where she took the maseratti and drove me to school. After about 20minutes we arrived st school kissed me goodbye  then she left.
I go to Kingswood High...a private school where no uniform exists. As usual I went towards my locker kept my bag took my assignments and my other class stuffs then went to class . my first lesson was literature which is my best subject.
"Hey khloe....looking hot today" Zariss complemented on me. Zariss is actually my best friend together with Celine.
"Thanks hun..anyways I love your necklace" I also gave a compliment👩.
"Staring at it is irresistible... I know right?" Zariss beamed. She's actually a girl who brings laughter to anyone.
"Hey chicas.." Celine came up.
"Heeeeeeeey" Zariss and I  chorused.
"Wait Cely did u mean chicas or chic of fence" Zariss is a total nuts.
"Guess I meant chicas cause I doubt if u have an ass one to talk about" Cely replied as she sashayed to her chair.
"Was that an insult or a compliment cause your big ass has done you no good couldn't even make the cute guys at the prom fall for you" I  commented.. With this..we all cracked up but kept calm the moment Mike got in class...he's my all life crash.
"Hey girls... See you having fun" Mike greeted us
"Heeeey" we chorused
"Wow love you outfit Khloe you look angelic" he said to me with a smile...I melted inside for some seconds
" Mike" I blushingly replied. I looked at him and  so did he...we had this stares then&&#@£%***

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2017 ⏰

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