Something Like Normal. VIII.

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I knew Jocelyn wanted to talk about it. She had been keeping her distance from me but looked confused and like something on her mind because she was mumbling and barley paid attentions to the movie.

We waited on my host parents porch for someone to pick her up and she still hasn't a said a words to me. I sighed heavily and jumped off the banister, ''Okay, Jocelyn, say something. I know you want to.''

She got up from the swing, ''Why'd you kiss me?"

''I always kiss you.'' I shrugged.

She scoffed, ''On the cheek, never my mouth. You were acting weird back there to.''

''I. . .'' I didn't know really how to answer that. I could tell her so many excuses, but she'll never believe me. I knew it was stupid, but I didn't know what else to do. I couldn't let her see my father on the screen. ''I just wanted to see what it felt like.''

''Felt like?" she questioned and I nodded. ''Feel what?"

''I don't know. . .Just to feel what kissing you like. It didn't mean anything.'' I said and she looker hurt. I quickly regretted saying and wished I could take it back, but I didn't excuse myself why I said it. I can't let her know my feelings.

''Oh.'' she said, looking away for a moment. ''You had to do it there? With people around?''

''There wasn't allot.'' I shrugged. ''I'm sorry I did it, it won't happen again.''

''Good.'' she said. ''It made things awkward.''

I used that to my advantage and stepped towards her, ''It did make it awkward and I don't want that. I want us to stay same goofy friends we are. I don't want anything to change and ruin our friendship.''

She gave me a confused look, ''Yuri? Relax,'' she smiled and put her hands on my arms. ''It was just a kiss, we can forget about it. Nothing can make me stop being friends with you, no matter what.''

I smiled down at her and she hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her and felt this bad feeling in my chest.

''So,'' she said as she pulled back. ''How was it anyways?'

I gave her a confused look, ''How was what?"

''The kiss." she said, blushing. ''You said you wanted to know what it felt like. How was it?"

''Oh,'' I said. ''Uh. . .let's not make things awkward talking about it.''

She raised an eyebrow, ''How is it a awkward, you're the only one that knows the answer.'' she shrugged. She looked worrier now, ''Oh, my God, you hated it? My kisses sucks?''

''What? No.'' I said quickly shaking my head. It wasn't bad, the bad thing was that I like it. Jocelyn has full nice soft lips that she prides herself in using chap sticks all the time even though her lips aren't dry.''Jocelyn, it doesn't matter.''

''It does to me because if I'm a bad kisser, I'll never want to kiss another guy. Buck kissed me, but I never asked so I probably sucked for him to.'' she said.

''What? Jocelyn, it wasn't even kissing. Just more like a long peck.'' I said and reached out to touch her, but she stepped back. Why is she freaking out so much about it? I heard a car coming up, so I turned an saw her mom car. I quickly looked back at Jocelyn, ''Are you really mad at me because I won't answer that question?"

''Yes.'' she said quickly walking away and I hit my head and cursed at myself as I heard the car door to open and slam close. Why couldn't I just answer?

. . .

This morning when I checked my phone, I saw the date on my calendar. Only a good friend--even though I really wished I didn't know this about Jocelyn--will know his female friend time of the month. No wonder Jocelyn was so paranoid and moody last night.

Something Like Normal. {Book I} EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now