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Emily's POV

Liam and I turn our heads in the direction of the door.

"I'll answer it." Liam steps in, and I quickly stop him. Before I let him answer it, I look through the small peep hole on the door. I see a familiar blonde headed boy, looking worried. His hands were stuffed in his pocket, and he kept looking over his shoulder.

"It's Niall." I whisper, and Liam groans.

"I'll deal with this, you go sit on the couch." He says, and I do exactly that. Just as I'm sitting down, he opened the door, before quickly shutting it again. He must have went out there, to talk to him. I quickly get up, knowing Liam would probably get mad.

"What do you want?" Liam spits, as I press my ear up to the door.

"Look Liam, I know were not as good as friends as before, but I'm just trying to help you here." Niall says, and I look through the peep hole. Niall once agains looks over his shoulder, and Liam sighs with frustration.

"Get on with it." Liam says.

"It's Richard. I still work for him and everything, which I'm not proud of but I have no other choice, and he told me something. He's going to get you back for beating his ass, but twice as hard. He's not targeting you specifically. He wants Emily." Niall's words leave his mouth, and my heart freezes. This is what Liam was talking about. He wants to protect me, because I'm in danger. I didn't do anything to this Richard guy, yet I'm in danger. Liam is still going to protect me, right? I really hope so because this guy sounds evil and twisted. His name is Richard, which is very unlikely.

"What the fuck! If he lays one hand on her I swear to god!" Liam's voice is low and deep, almost threatening.

"Listen Liam. He sent out someone else to get her. Not me, but someone else who works for him. Richard says, this guy may be even more twisted than himself, and that's fucking scary man. I suggest you get the fuck out of town, or do something with Emily." Niall says, and by now my hand is over my mouth, trying not to make a sound. Who is the man who wants to get me?

I hear Liam sighing, asking who else knows. Niall says a guy named Harry is trying to help, which I have no clue who that is.

As soon his fist hits up against the door, I get startled back away.

"Thanks I guess. But I fucking swear Niall, if you or Harry betray me, or Emily, in any way so help me god I will fucking kill you alive." Liam threatens. I know he's not serious, but then again I bet he would. And who is this Harry guy?

"I won't. I'm already trying to get out of this hell hole. I'm planing on leaving, and quitting this disgusting job. I will let you know any Information if I find any." Niall says, and I can hear Liam's hand on the doorknob, so I quickly sit back down on the couch, pretending to watch TV

Liam walks trough the door, quickly shutting it, and locking all three locks on the door. He sits down next to me, pulling me close to him. His arm wraps securely around my shoulder and waist, as I lean my head on his shoulder.

"What did he say Liam?" I lie, knowing exactly what he said.

"Nothing you need to worry about baby." Liam says, making me happy when he calls me 'baby'. I don't smile though, because I know what's going to happen. If Liam keeps his word and protects me, I'm sure we will be fine. Mostly because Liam is strong and brave. But if he doesn't, he's putting us both in danger.

"Liam I'm scared." I quietly say.

"Scared of what?" He asks, his fingers grazing my chin.

"Your boss." I don't say his name, that I know now, because it would show I was listening in. Liam's hands turn cold against my skin.

"We don't speak of him anymore, okay?" He asks, and I nod.

"And don't be scared. He's a pussy and I'm sure he won't do shit." I look at his eyes when he says this. His words sound brave, but his eyes say a different story. Their dark, and cold. Their worried, and sad. Liam is worried and sad.

I don't say another word, I just snuggle farther into Liam's neck, letting my eyelids drop.


"Honey wake up." Daddy says, picking my small body up. His hands are warm against my body, filling my tiny body with warmth.

"Dada." The words leave my mouth. My very first words.

"Honey! She just said her first words!" My dad is happy. I think, maybe because I talked?

He carries me into another room, this time outside. It's unknown to me, But I stay quiet in the arms of my father. Their, stands my mom, coming towards me with open arms. I'm now handed to my mother, where I can get a perfect view of my father. The man I've only known for my first 3 years of my life.

"Sorry Ang, but I'm going to have to leave you two behind." My fathers voice turns deep and his eyes go black. Behind him, in the background, is my childhood home. Now, the wood is rotten, and it's slowing falling apart as my dad laughs at my mother and I wickedly.

"Don't you see?!" My dad starts yelling, trying to speak over the sudden high winds that's blowing. It sounds like a pack of wolves howling.

"I never loved you. Or her." His eyes turn to me, shaking his head. He pulls a gun out of the inside of his coat. It's small, and silver.

"Michael, don't do this!" My mother yells, but I stay quiet. No emotion fills me, as my mother stands up and walks closer to my dad who now has the gun to his own head. His mental disorder must have been kicking in, for the first time in years.

"Michael!" My mother had tears streaming down her face. Everything is loud, except me.

"Emily! Emily!" My dad suddenly screams, but then stops. His finger pulls the trigger, his body falling to the ground.


"Emily!" Liam's voice fills my ears, and I scream. I don't stop screaming as I jump up taking in my surroundings. Breath Emily, you're safe. It was just a dream. I tell myself. I take in deep breaths, wiping the sweat off my forehead. Liam's hands grab my waist, pulling me into a giant hug. I squeeze him tightly, as my tears smear against his black shirt.

"Emily it was just a dream." He whispers, rubbing small circles into my back.

"It wasn't a dream Liam. It was a nightmare." My voice sounds spooky, but very depressed. I've been having that dream since my farther killed himself in front of my own eyes. He didn't take his medicine that morning, and his insanity took over. No one knows if he had a reason to kill himself, or if the demons made him do it. My mom always tells me, he had demons in him. I don't believe that.

"Want to tell me about it?" Liam asks, placing me back on the couch.

I look up at him with glossy eyes, blinking a couple of times.

"Where do I start." I whisper.


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