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Emily's POV

The pizza we had for dinner is making my stomach queasy and uneasy. It churns with sickness and, most importantly, nervousness.

The thought about tomorrow is making me sick. How could I be so stupid, as to agree to meet him at that abandon shop?

The people in the movies don't even do that, and they do some stupid stuff.

I know this is all dumb and such a miserable decision but it is for the best. Liam won't get hurt, which is my main priority. He doesn't deserve it, so I want to be there for him.

I put the thoughts towards the back of my head, as I turn the shower on.

The shower isn't done warming up yet, so the water is still icy cold. My body already being numb, I step in letting the cold water run down my body.


"Emily? You almost done in there?" I hear Liam say over the running water. I've been in the shower for about an hour, and it's almost past midnight. My hands and feet are wrinkly from the water, and I think it's about time I get out.

"Yeah, one second." I call back to him. I turn the handle clockwise, stopping the running water. I bring my wet hair to one side, slowing ringing out all the water from it.

My feet hit the cold tile of the floor, making chills shoot through my body.

I shiver, quickly grabbing a towel from the rack, and wrapping it around my body.

I pat myself dry before slipping on the panties and Liam's t-shirt, I brought in here with me.

When I'm all done, I switch the bathroom light off, before leaving.

"There you are. You were in there for a while." He says, walking over to me. His right hand lightly grabs my left hand, examining it.

"You're pruned." He laughs, lightly letting go of my hand. Emptiness.

I smile, walking over to my- our large bed. His eyes never leave my body, considering all I'm wearing is a pair of panties and his t-shirt.

I watch as his dark eyes scan over my body. I quietly sit down on the bed, looking at him.

He walks over to the other side of the bed, getting under the covers. I follow his actions, tightly wrapping the blanket around my exposed skin.

We sit there, just staring into each others eyes. His hands end up going underneath the covers, finding my legs. He traces small patters in my legs, as I move closer to him. His other arm wraps tightly around my waist.

I want to be able to tell him everything that's going on right now. I want to tell him that everything will be okay, and nothing's going to happen to the either of us. That we will live happily ever after..

But that would be a lie.

"Oh how beautiful..."He whispers, caressing my jawline. My cheeks heat up, as I look at the ground.

"I'm so glad you are over Liam.. Because I could never imagine a beautiful soul like you to be with such a dark soul... Like him." He says, his soft hands still grazing my face.

"That's a lie." I say, my brown eyes meeting his green ones.

He gives me a questioning look, and I answer.

"My soul is anything except beautiful. It's dark, evil, and broken." I say, my words not making him flinch a bit.

"What a unique one you are.." He whispers, tucking a long piece of my hair back to it's place.

He looked blemished; perfect.

His nose shaped perfectly, along with his testifying golden eyes, that held a story.

"You don't love him anyways.." He trails off, his hands moving away from my face. His hands gently push me on my back, so I'm lying on pale pink sheets. I don't know where I am, or who's bed I'm on, but it's a quiet place. Almost comforting..

"Yes I do." I say confidently. "I love Liam."

When the words leave my mouth, the color in his face drains, along with his eyes.

"Do you know what love is?" He asks, controlling the boiling of anger inside him. While I think of an answer, my top is lifted up, exposing my flat stomach. I can't move; I'm numb. Before I answer, I take a deep breath.

"Love is caring about someone beyond all relationally and wanting them to have everything they want no matter how much it destroys you, it's love. And when you love someone you just, you... You don't stop, ever. Even when people roll their eyes, and call you crazy. Even then. Especially then. You just- you don't give up. Because if I could just give up... If I could just, you know, take the whole worlds advice and- and move on and find someone else, that wouldn't be love. That would be... that would be some other disposable thing that is not worth fighting for. But I- that is not what this is." I breathe out, looking into Harry's eyes.

"You have the worst, yet perfect, definition of love." He hisses, his face inching closer to mine.

"You don't love Liam!" He shouts in my face, and I scream.

I'm woken up to the sound of my alarm clock going off next to me. I'm about dripping in sweat, as I quickly turn the alarm off. Luckily Liam hasn't awoken.

5:00 a.m.

The clock reads, and my stomach rises to my throat.

Richard or whoever, here I come


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