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"HI MOM, IT'S me, Melody." My voice was shaky, my clammy hands gripped my phone rather tight, and tears formed in my eyes.

"Honey, hi. Oh, my baby, I wish I was there with you now." She paused but through the silence on the phone, I could hear her deep breathing and sniffling. It sounded as if she was on the verge of tears, "Are you going to be alright on that plane alone? Is your father with you there? When did they say you were coming back?"

"Calm down mom; I'll be alright, I promise. Dad isn't here. I took the bus. Listen, mom; I don't know when I'll be coming back for sure, but I doubt it'll be that long. It's a scholarship to one of the best art schools for gifted youth in the world. I can't miss this opportunity, or I may never have it again," I said, attempting to cheer up my mother. Instead, she burst into tears.

"I know, baby, I know. You're so smart and beautiful. I love you, honey. Don't forget that," she comforted. I felt a smile creeping over my lips.

If only mom knew how happy I was to hear her voice.

I sniffed, "I'm a McCall. I can manage on my own for a while. I'm just a call away, don't forget that."

"You know it," She laughed, "Scott wants to say a few words," She voiced through the phone.

"Mel, how are you?" I heard my brother's voice.

His voice reminded me of home. It reminded me of living with my family before everything fell apart. "Good," I said, "I feel great getting away from dad for a while."

"I get it. Thing's were that bad with him?"

"You don't know the half of it."

Scott sighed, "I love you, Melody, no matter how annoying you are."

I chuckled, "I love you too." Over the loudspeakers, the sound of my flight number called echoed through the airport. "Listen, my plane's about to board, so that's my cue. Tell mom I love her, and I'll call as often as I can. See you guys soon."

The line went dead.




THE CHAIR IN the lobby of LAX was uncomfortable. I gripped my phone in one hand, and my other hand running through my recently cut hair.

Should I call mom and tell her I'm here?

I closed my eyes. I took deep breaths, before dialing her phone number and putting it near my ear.

"Melissa McCall," She said. It did not hit me how much coming back home would affect me until I heard my mother's voice. It was just like I remembered it.

I hesitated before letting a faint, "Hi Mom," escape my lips.




I TOSSED AND turned in my bed, hoping that Allison would call me. Of course, like the past weeks, she didn't.

Instead, I closed my eyes, hoping that the past week's experience didn't interrupt me.

"Scott, get up, now. Change and clean up your room, I'm taking the day off from work today, so I'm helping too." Mom said, interrupting my sleep.

"Mom, what's going on, is everything okay," I asked her. I did not get up. I still lay on my bed, with my face burrowed into my pillow.

She didn't respond right away. She stared at me with warm eyes and then exhaled. "Melody called. She coming home today."

Little Memories ; S. Stilinski ; book 1Where stories live. Discover now