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I tossed and turned in bed. I couldn't go to sleep. Ever since Peter told us the story of Derek's blue eyes, i haven't been able to think of anything else but that.

I woke up to the sounds of metal doors creaking.

I must be dreaming—I thought.

I was in school after hours. The hallways were dark. My short hair tickled my shoulders as I walked past the lockers. Then I heard it again, the sound of the door creaking. Mr. Stilinski's partner, Deputy Tara Grahame was roaming the school. She had her flashlight in her hand and her other hand was placed on her waistband and over her gun.

I called out for her. She didn't hear me.

I heard the noise again. She looked in that direction of the creaking door. She was frightened. I could see it written on her face. She needed help. Her steps were slow. She feared to move forward. I followed beside her.

I tapped her shoulder. She didn't budge. We reached the steps of the school, we climbed down. Every step she took was filled with precaution.

She didn't see me. She can't see me, just like in the bus when Scott was hurt, and they couldn't see me.

The creaky door opened behind us. She turned in that direction, only to find a group of kids walking down the hall. "What are you guys doing here so late?" She asked the teens. I waved my hands behind her only checking to see if any of them could see me. Still, the results showed no sign of them noticing me.

A familiar boy stopped and faced her. Danny—, "Practicing for our recital tomorrow. Why, Is something wrong?" Danny asked her. He paused and looked at her hand. She was ready to pull out her handgun, "Something is wrong, Isn't there?"

"Someone mad a 911 call. All of you need to leave now. If you see anyone else, tell them the same thing," She told them. Danny nodded his head and departed with the rest of the people that were with him, "Dispatch, this is unit ten. Do you copy? Dispatch, do you copy?" She spoke into her radio.

The sound of the familiar chanting filled the air.

She was going to die.


I shot up from my bed, gasping and pulling on the sweaty sheets. I looked at the time, 3:24.

Scott barged into my bedroom, "Melody? What's wrong? What's going on?" Scott asked me.

I panted, "Scott, drive me to the school. Drive me right now. Something happened."


When he stopped his bike, I hopped off the handle bars and ran to the entrance of the school. There, the cop from my dream lay lifeless over the BEACON HILLS HIGH SCHOOL sign.

I heard the familiar screech of tires and Stiles' slamming the door of his jeep, his footsteps trailed behind me. They saw what I've been dreaming.

"If only I had woken up earlier, i could have saved her," I cried.

Scott hugged me, "It's the same thing as the pool. I got in the car, things were totally different and i ended up here," Lydia's voice said. She felt the same thing I did. Whether or not she saw it, I don't know, but I knew she felt it. She had been waiting here with Allison.

"Okay but that doesn't explain how Melody knew something happened," Scott told them, still lifting my limp body.

I tilted my head. "No Scott, this isn't the first time this has happened. It's what I've been trying to tell you. The day we went to the cross-country meet. I was in the car with Allison and Lydia and i saw you. I saw you and Stiles and you were hurt. I knew you were still hurt. I don't know how, but i knew. The same thing happened at the bank. I saw you, but you couldn't see me."

Little Memories ; S. Stilinski ; book 1Where stories live. Discover now