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My brother's forehead was painted with red, with his blood. Stiles dropped himself on his knees and shook my brother awake. At first, he didn't budge, but soon enough, Scott fluttered his eyes open. He propped himself up on his elbows.

"Barrow, he took Kira."

"We know. He was after her the whole time."

Fury engulfed my brother's eyes, anger, and worry. His mocha eyes turned bronze under the light of the lamppost. It seemed as if looking into his eyes was enough to kill you. This gaze haunted me. It made my father's childhood nickname for him, Solis, sound like a joke.

This look sent shivers down my spine.


"We have to think of something. He's going to kill her."

Lydia panted, her emerald eyes radiated fear. "I knew he was still there. We both knew. How did we know that?" She was looking at me. It was almost as if she instilled her fear to me

"Well, you heard the flies didn't you?"

"I didn't."

"Then how did you know?"

"I heard it. I heard static. All day, I've been hearing static, and I've had these migraines. And they're terrible. Sometimes, the pain is so bad, I can't see properly, and I can't read, or sleep."

"What do you hear now?"

"Nothing. I feel like I can do this. But I don't know what to do. It's like it's on the tip of my tongue, and I don't know how to trigger it. I just I swear to God, it literally makes me want to scream."

"Okay then scream," Stiles whispered. "Lydia scream."

That's what she did, she screamed. Altogether, the static and the pain had returned. My head was killing me. The sound of static returned, only amplified by Lydia's screamed, and it echoed in my brain and rang in my ears. Th e painful sensation stung my head as it someone took a drill to my skull and drove it into my brain. This time, the pain was everywhere.

The sensation stung like I was holding ice with salt. This wasn't like at school, where I could use the sound of laughter and conversations, and shoes clicking against the tiled floor as a distraction.

I did not cover my ears like Scott and Stiles. I couldn't bring myself to do it. The pain was just as bad, even when I tried to make it stop.

My muscles tensed, and all I was left with was the sound of static bouncing in my head. I grew weak, and tired, as I had before, only this was different. This was not like earlier when I was so tired I wanted to curl into a ball and sleep. This was not like earlier. I wanted to stare at Stiles' ceiling fan turn as he slept beside me.

This weak made me unbalanced, and frail. This tired made me want to stop standing and float. But I didn't float, I fell. I fell with my hands out in front of me, and my hair in my face. I fell with such swiftness that Stiles and Scott did not hear me. My vision became splotchy as if I had stared at the sun without sunglasses, and now all I could see were spots of indigo, and blue, and white, and red, within my own eyes.

Then there was nothing.


They covered their ears and closed their eyes to try and make the amount of pain they were in go away. When there was no more screaming, no more noise, they opened my eyes. In front of them, Melody laid on the ground. Her body was still, and limp. Stiles saw her first.

Little Memories ; S. Stilinski ; book 1Where stories live. Discover now