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I had only felt like I did once before this. When you're on an airplane for nearly eleven hours, your butt goes so numb, you can't feel it for the next two days, and you have a temporary back pain from being hunched over in an awkward position between the little kid that wouldn't shut up, and the creepy guy who would touch the flight attendant's thigh for more liquor. That's how I felt now. My ass was numb.

I sat on the steps of the spiral staircase where Stiles had left me. I waited for him to get back. He had already been gone for a while and hadn't returned. I had already gotten up to get two bottles of water. This would be the third time. I approached the bins topped with beverages: beers, soda, and water, everything that screamed "party".

There, Danny stood, his body glowing bright blue, and his hands rubbing his face, "What do you mean there's no more ice? Can't you just go get more?" He shouted. "There's more in the back room. Just go grab a bag." He was yelling at some dude covered in splotches of neon paint. The kid had his hands up in defense.

"Hey, Danny," I said. I patted his back, "Don't worry about it. I got it."

He lit up at this, "Are you sure? I can do it."

"No, no, I got it. You already look stressed. Let me handle this." He nodded. I gave him a thumbs up and watched him continue to scold the guy. I wandered in search for more ice. When I found nothing, I made my way to the room Ethan and Aiden had said they were keeping the ice. But instead, I found something else. "What the hell are you guys doing?" I asked.

Allison and Isaac stood in front of a mirror. Allison held back Isaac's face, looking into his ear like she was digging for gold.

They stumbled back as if to answer my question, only for Isaac to stop in his tracks, and look behind me. "Did you hear that?"

Allison and I looked at each other with blank expressions on our faces. I still didn't know what Allison was doing looking behind Isaac's ear, and frankly, it wasn't important considering the curly-haired beta had decided the thing that goes bump in the night was in the room with us.

We heard nothing. We had no clue what Isaac was talking about. He walked towards the ice stored in the giant cooler. We leaned forward as if searching for puppy Isaac had left of its leash. He didn't find a puppy, but a wolf. Ethan was frozen on the ground, presumed dead.

"Oh my God," I cringed.

Isaac sat him up, but he was still frozen, still as lifeless-looking as he did against the floor. He was cold, you could practically see the smoke of dry ice radiating off of him. Isaac patted his arms, his face, his chest, trying to wake him up, but nothing worked. He still sat against the cold wall with his eyes wide open. It seemed the curly-haired boy was going to give up, until he wrapped his hands around Ethan's arm. "What are doing?" Allison asked.

"It'll trigger the healing." Isaac said. I knew what he was doing. It was just like Scott, back when he was afraid of controlling his power when he first became an alpha. He needed pain to bring him back. Isaac was going to break his arm, and I wasn't prepared to watch.

Turns out Isaac didn't care if Allison didn't want to watch, or if I didn't want to watch, because he snapped Ethan's arm anyway. With all his strength, Isaac sent Ethan roaring. Allison and I cringed at the sight of the omega's broken arm. Ethan's loud growl echoed around us. His eyes were electric, a steel blue like lightning cracking a tree, but he no longer shivered. He no longer stared at us with cold eyes. His eyes now flashed a pained face.

Allison moved his hands around Ethan's neck and looked behind his ear. "It's the same," she said. I had no clue what they were talking about. Isaac placed his palm over his ear. I pushed aside his curls. Behind his ear, a backward number five was burned into his skin. The same was for Ethan.

Little Memories ; S. Stilinski ; book 1Where stories live. Discover now