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"Hurry up kids. I think I've had enough parent-teacher conferences for one year!" I heard my mom yell.

I opened the door enough for my mom to hear and yelled, "You keep forgetting Scott is the reason you are being dragged to those things, anyway," I heard my mom chuckle from downstairs. I closed the door.


I met with Scott outside on the porch, "Finally, it seemed like you weren't ever going to be done. Stiles is picking us up. You're sitting in the back."

Stiles pulled up onto our driveway. I scoffed at my brother, "Hell no; I am not sitting in the back. I barely fit in the back," i told him.

Scott groaned, "And you think I fit in the back? I'm bigger than you are," And sure enough, i was sitting in the back of Stiles' cramped jeep constantly moving due to the lack of space and oxygen.


We arrive at school with time to spare. Stiles, Scott and I used the time to our advantage, and discussed the three murders, and what the murderer could possibly be.

"It's definitely something with a mind not hot-wired for blood. The killings weren't just for murder, it's like it was planned. They were sacrifices," Stiles explained.

Lydia and Allison waved for me to come over to them. I patted the two boys on the back, "Yeah that's good guys. That's good progress, but we still don't know what this thing is, so i suggest that you guys low your voices, or virgins will be freaking out like crazy around here," Scott's glared at me, "You know what i mean. Anyway, I have to go. See you guys in chemistry. Hopefully, Harris doesn't torture me as much as before," I said. I walked towards my friends.

Lydia examined her nails as she said, "Yup, three years but you're still completely in love with him," I glared at Lydia at Allison giggled at her comment.

"Stop saying that. Thirteen-year-old Melody had a ridiculous crush on Stiles. Present, fully-realized Melody has grown up, and grown out of that crush. It's over," I rambled.

Allison giggled again, "Mel, you are incredibly stubborn and blind," she said. I threw my pen at her. Lydia waved goodbye to us as she headed towards one of the new twins, Aiden, who she told us about yesterday during lunch. Apparently, the twins Ethan and Aiden moved here recently, and she was determined to date "the fresh meat". Three years may have passed, but Lydia Martin is still Lydia Martin.

Allison stepped in front of me, taking Lydia's place. The tone of the conversation changed entirely, "What were you doing at the bank the other day Melody? You could have died."

I took my pen from her hand, "I could ask you the same question Allison, but I won't because we both know why we were there, to hunt and to save. I'm just glad neither of us died that day," i said, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Fair enough."


"Alright, since inertia is a subject in which we all know plenty, why don't we start with momentum," Harris said.  He underlined what he had recently written on the chalkboard, but he pressed on the chalk so hard, it broke in half. It also made a high-pitched sound against the board, making the entire class cover their ears with their hands.

My attention, however, wasn't on Harris calling on Danny, a nice guy Lydia had introduced me too, but on Scott. He spoke to a curly-haired boy with blue eyes that resembled water when moonlight reflected upon it.

"Mr. Harris, can i use the bathroom please?" The curly-haired boy asked. Harris motioned his hand to the door, and the guy got up.

Scott got up too, "I have to go to the bathroom too," He said.

Little Memories ; S. Stilinski ; book 1Where stories live. Discover now