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After the incident at the motel, we avoided any conversation pertaining to what happened there. We didn't want to remember. Lydia, however, made it her duty to at least remind us of the relatively "good" things that happened.

Lydia crossed her arms around her chest, her ruby-red lips in a pout, "When are you going to admit how you feel about Stiles? He kissed you, for crying out loud. Say something, you haven't said a single thing about it," she said.

I scoffed, "He stopped me from having a panic attack. It meant nothing, and I felt nothing." Sure, I had lied. I only wanted it to mean nothing, "Besides, you were the one who told him to kiss me. He didn't do it out of his own will," I added.

Allison tossed me her pillow. I caught it, "Oh come on, Mel, we're just messing with you. We're not serious," she laughed.

"I am."

"Lydia, can you please drop it? I'd starting to get really annoying," I snapped. I didn't mean to, but her constant joking and poking around was beginning to bother me.

Lydia put her arms on her waist, and huffed, "Fine, I'll stop, but only because I love you."

"Thank you."


We got to school in record time. Allison had given us a ride, but by the time Lydia had finished "perfecting my winged eyeliner", we were already late.

I spent the whole day sulking in my own thoughts. I didn't have any time to finish my Chemistry homework at home, and I knew Harris would make an "example" of me for everyone else. I tried to complete my work before I got to his class.

I didn't get to finish, but that didn't matter. Harris wasn't there. Instead, our obnoxiously friendly English teacher, Ms. Blake took his place.

"Good morning, as you all know Mr. Harris is still missing—I mean sick. Anyway, I am filling in, while we all hope and pray for a more qualified substitute teacher to take my place," She babbled, "Okay so, let's get started shall we?"

From across the room, Stiles was leaning over towards Scott. They were talking about something important, I could tell by the way Stiles' eyebrows furrowed as he babbled his thoughts too quickly for Scott to understand even with acute hearing. Scott was interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing. He answered it, and hid under his desk. I glanced at Stiles. I gave him a questioning look. He shrugged. He didn't know who Scott was on the phone with either.

After the phone call, Scott left the class. How he managed to convince Blake to let him go, I don't know. I motioned for Stiles' attention, he looked up at me. I made a phone with my hands and put it up to my ear. Stiles understood, he called his dad.

Whatever Scott was told by whoever that person on the phone was, it didn't sound good. I made a run for Stiles' desk, and took the empty sea next to him, making sure that Ms. Blake didn't see me, "Please tell me you know where Scott went."

"Actually, i have an idea," Stiles said. He yanked my hand and pulled me up with him. He headed straight towards Ms. Blake, "Hi Ms. Blake, I'm Stiles. Stilinski is my last name. Anyway this is Melody, Scott's sister, and we need to go with Scott. I called my dad, so i think we should go. I think his best friend and his sister need to be with him right now—"

"What he means is that Scott needs our help and Sheriff Stilinski is coming to pick us up soon, so we needed for you to excuse us for the day," I interrupted Stiles. His babbling was going to make me pull out my own hair.

Little Memories ; S. Stilinski ; book 1Where stories live. Discover now