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Mr. Stilinski raced to Cora's aid, "Call an ambulance."

Those words echoed in my brain long enough for me to grow anxious. Cora was sick. She could be dying, and she refused our help. Derek would surely blame us if his sister died, and Cora's death would only add strain and sorrow to our situation.

I was there when the ambulance came. I was there with Cora, watching her vitals, watching her chest move up and down so slowly, it took patience and focus to notice it. She looked dead. She chest barely moved. Her heart barely beat. It didn't look like she was breathing. The doctors kept yelling at me to leave Cora alone. I wouldn't leave.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but you have no blood relation to Cora Hale. We can't let you into the ambulance with us," the doctor told me

"She's my cousin," I blurted. The doctor looked skeptical, "Please, she's the only family I have left," I lied.

The doctor sighed, and pushed the door open for me. I climbed in. He asked me if i knew that happened to her. She was hit by a 150 pound weight in the head by a werewolf. I said I didn't know what happened.

I walked beside Cora as she lay on the stretcher when we pulled up into the hospital. I even called Derek and Peter to tell them how she was. I wanted to see her, but the nurses at the front desk wouldn't let me.

"The doctors are helping her right now, young lady. You can't go in there," they explained.

That was the worst part, waiting. I waited and waited. I sat next to Stiles in the lobby. Stiles must have grown impatient too. He pulled out his phone and dialed Scott.

"—It's philosophers as in teachers. Allison and her father just found Mr. Westover," Scott warned us. They figured out who was being sacrificed by the term "philosophers".

Stiles and I looked at each other. How would we know who was going to be taken, There are more than a few teachers at Beacon Hills High School. Tara, she wasn't always a cop. It didn't explain why she was killed. Stiles snapped me out of my thoughts with his loud sigh, "She used to teach middle school," he said. He was talking about Tara. I could tell by the way his eyes shined with tears.

"Then the last on is going to be another teacher."

"But there's dozens of teachers, Scott, and they're all headed home," I reminded my brother.

"No, they're not. They're all going to the recital."


I walked behind Stiles, who was walking behind his dad. Mr. Stilinski looked annoyed, "What did you see the night at the bank when Scott was trying to save Deaton?"

"Nothing," Mr. Stilinski clarified.

"Dad, you saw him healing himself after he tried crossing the mountain ash," I shook my head at Stiles' persistence and followed pursuit. Stiles still tried to convince his dad that the supernatural were real, even thought Mr. Stilinski didn't believe.

His dad put up his hand, in attempt to politely tell his son to shut up, "I don't know what i saw?"

"You saw something that you can't explain," Stiles continued.

"Mr. Stilinski, if you saw something, you need to tell us. You need to help us. People could die," I added.

His dad stopped walking and placed his hands on a counter in the lobby, "I have seen a lot of things that i can't explain in this town. That doesn't make them supernatural and it doesn't make them real. They just found another body. That's real, and that's the lead I'm following."

Little Memories ; S. Stilinski ; book 1Where stories live. Discover now