Chapter 1

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Geoff's PoV

"Uh Geoff we lost Wy." Jack said looking around

"What do you mean we lost her!?" I said

I soon felt something hit my head and laughter from above.

"Kimi get down from there! I say trying to reach for her.

"No! I refussseee" she says giggling

"Jack can you find Wy.." I ask

"Sure." Jack replies leaving the room

" I want to go too!" Ray ran out after him

I groaned. "Kimi you'll hurt yourself.." 

"So??" she said throwing another thing and it hit Jeremy

"OWW!!!" he screamed

"Sorry Jeremey!" she said

Soon Ryan walked over next to me. "Kimi come down! please!"

She shook her head and then Jack returned carrying Ray.

"We couldn't find her." Jack said setting Ray down

Ray ran over to Michael and Gavin who were rolling a ball to each other.

"Can you help me get Kimi down.." I ask

"Kimi come down or I won't give you a cookie." he said

"Cookies!" Kimi semi screamed and allowed me to bring her down

Ray's PoV

I looked over with the others when we heard the word cookies.

"Oh! Can we have cookies too!" Jeremy and Gavin said in unison

"Yes. Yes you can." Jack said  pulling out a big bag of cookies

Wy though was no where to be found yet.

"Human! Where is you!!!" Kimi called out for Wy

After 20 minutes we all heard a faint ringtone coming from Geoff's desk cabinet.

"Uh...Geoff check that cabinet.." Jack said

Geoff walked over and and opened it revealing a napping Wy.

"How did she fit in there?" Michael asked

 Geoff picked her up causing her to awaken.

"How dare you wake me you big human!!" her voice pitch a bit higher

"Wy! They're gonna give cookies!" Kimi said

"COOKIES!" Wy screamed

Jack handed all of us cookies and we were enjoying them.

"I just realized...we're going to need to drive them all home and take care of them.." Geoff said

Jack face palmed. " Let's hope we can survive this..."

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