Chapter 2

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My PoV

Geoff and Jack were busy talking while us children were sitting down eating the cookies.

"Human! We should have adventure!" Wy said grabbing my hand and running out the room.

Where are we going frien!" I say

"Adventureeeeee!!" she says running

"Kimi! Wy!" Geoff yelled out

"We hide human!" Wy says diving into a box

The two of us peeked out thinking the coast was clear but we got scooped out of the box.

"Come on you two." Geoff said carrying us back

After a few more hours they were taking all of us small children back to one of their houses.

"Gavviiinn!!!" Michael yelled

"Yes friend?" Gavin said

Michael soon threw a ball but it hit me square in the face and I began to cry.

"Michael!" Ryan said

"I'm sorry!!!" Michael said

I sniffled. "It's okay.."

Geoff and Jack were probably in the kitchen while a of this was happening.

"Ray! Ray! Ray!" Wy said

"Ye?" he replied

"Let's bother Geoff and Jack!" Wy said taking his hand

"Ye!" Ray said

Ray's PoV

The two of us ran into the kitchen.

"Hello humans!" We both chime

Jack turned around. "Do you two need anything?" he asked

"Uh...juice?" Wy said

"We'll pour all of you juice in a minute." Geoff said 

"Okay."  I said

We soon ran  out the kitchen and spotted Ryan trying to braid Kimi's hair.

"Cute!!" Wy said

Jeremy was messing with the TV remote and clicking through the channels and found the wrestling channel.

"YES!" Wy screamed

After a while all of us were watching the wrestling match.

"Guys what are you watching?" Jack asked walking out the kitchen with juice

"Wrestling!" Jeremy and Gavin say

"No.No.No." Jack said taking the remote and switching it to Blue's Clues

Geoff walked out and face palmed. " They were watching wrestling weren't they..."

Jack nodded and handed everyone the juice. We were enjoying our juice and soon it was dinner time. It was all delicious too with what the two have cooked. After cleaning up everyone was sleepy.

"Okay guys it's bed time!" Jack said

"But Jackkk." we all said

"Listen to Jack. Time for bed." Geoff said

At some point all of us had passed out on the couch or floor.

Jack's PoV

"They're finally asleep." I said placing blankets on the small kids

Geoff nodded and put pillows down. "How long do you think this will last?"

"I'm not really sure." I reply

"Well at least we can finally relax.." Geoff said walking to the kitchen

I nod and followed him.

"I do have to admit..they are a bit adorable as children..despite the hell they cause." Geoff said sitting down

"Yeah." I reply getting water out from the fridge.

"But how will we explain to the fans that um most of them got turned into kids.." Geoff asked

I groaned. "I completely forgot about that...."

This is going to be harder than we thought...

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